“I’m worried about Caden. He never says he doesn’t like someone.”
“He’ll come around. He just needs to get used to seeing you with her.”
“Part of me wonders…”
“Maybe I’d be better off just leaving well enough alone. Caden isn’t happy about her, so it might just be for the best—”
“No,” Molly said forcefully. “He doesnotget to decide whether you date or care about a woman or even bring a woman into your lives. You’re a loving, devoted father to that boy, and he’s had you all to himself for his entire life. It’s only natural that he might see her as a threat to the status quo, but he’ll get over it.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“He will. Don’t you dare take a step back from Lexi because of what he said. He’sseven, Max. If you start seeing her now, someday he won’t remember much about the time before she was in your lives. And knowing her as we do, I have no doubt she’ll make every effort to ensure his comfort around her.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“I’m very sure. You’ve given that childeverythingand made us so proud in the process. It’s time to take something for yourself.”
Max hugged her. “Thank you for always having the advice I need.”
“You got it, pal. Any time. It’s okay for you to do something just for you. Caden will be fine this weekend and long term. Try not to worry.”
He knew she was right but asking him not to worry about Caden was like asking him not to breathe.
In the end,it was much easier than Max had expected to drop everything for a long weekend in Houston. His grandfather had helped by giving him Lexi’s grandmother’s number so he could text to get her help in surprising Lexi. How funny would it not be if he got there, and she was somewhere else? Not funny at all.
Her grandmother had been delighted to be brought in on Max’s plan and had even suggested they go to the beach in Galveston for the weekend. She’d sent him the names of places to stay, and he’d booked them a room right on the beach.
We’re thrilled to see our girl back to good health and smiling like she used to when the two of you were together the first time,Carol had said in her last text to Max.Looking forward to seeing you. She’ll be so excited.
The only thing keeping him from a clean getaway was Caden, who wasn’t at all pleased to hear he was going away for the weekend.
“Why can’t I go?”
“You’ve got two birthday parties and the sleepover at Chase’s house that you’ve been looking forward to. That’ll be much more fun than where I’m going.”
“Where are you going?”
“To Houston, Texas.”
“To visit Lexi.”
Caden’s displeasure with that news was obvious. “You just saw her last weekend.”
“That wasn’t enough. I want to spend more time with her.”
“Because I like her. I’ve always liked her since we were kids. You’re going to stay with Grammy and Gramps on Friday night and have a great time at the birthday parties, the Christmas Tree Farm, Chase’s house and Sunday dinner. You’ll be so busy, you won’t even miss me. And when I get back, your mom will be coming to see you.”
“I don’t want you to go.”
“Caden, come on… It’s just a few days, and you’ll have so much fun with Grammy and Gramps and Grandpa-Great.” Max’s heart broke when he realized Caden was crying. He hardly ever cried, except for when he was hurt. “Buddy…”
He sat up and threw himself at Max. “I don’t want you to go.”