“What?” he asked, brushing away her tears. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong for the first time in so long.”

“Same.” He smiled as he leaned his forehead against hers. “I had no idea how much I’d missed you until you came home.”

She reached up to caress the handsome face that was at once familiar and new. The beautiful boy had become a sexy man while she was gone.

“What do you say we see what it’s like to sleep in a bed together?”

“I’m all for that.”

Max withdrew from her and went to tend to the fire, closing the doors to keep any stray sparks contained. Then he held out a hand to help her up. Keeping a grip on her hand, he led her into his bedroom, which had a king-sized bed with a blue-and-green-plaid flannel duvet cover.

“This is nice,” she said.

“It’s nothing special.”

“It’s your home, your bed. That makes it special.”

“Having you here with me makes everything special.”

“Everything that’s happened is beyond my wildest dreams. That you still feel the same way I do, that nothing has changed except we’re twenty-eight rather than eighteen. It’s amazing.”

“It always was. A few years after I last saw you, I forced myself to stop thinking about you, to stop wondering where you were or why you hadn’t called me. I stuffed you in a box and put you in the back corner of my mind because it was just too painful to wonder anymore. I didn’t think about you or talk about you or wonder about you anymore, but even then thoughts of you would pop into my mind and I’d ache with missing you. Now I know it was always you, Lex. Always.”

“For me, too.”

When he kissed her, Lexi went up on tiptoes to kiss him back, wrapping her arms around his neck the way she used to do all the time. Kissing him was familiar, but sexier, hotter, needier—and that was saying something, because they’d been hot for each other back in the day.

He raised her sweater up and over her head, and then she did the same for him. Next was the long-sleeved thermal that left her in only a bra and jeans.

Lexi shivered at the loss of the warm clothing.

“Are you cold?” he asked.


“Hurry, let’s get under the covers.”

They shed their jeans and got into bed, reaching for each other the way they used to do in the bed of his first pickup truck. “Remember the truck?”

“I remember everything.”

“I remember being cold,” Lexi said with a laugh.

“I warmed you up.”

“Yes, you did.”

He ran a hand over her back, setting off a burst of goose bumps that made her shiver. “The sweetest memories of my life involved you.”


Their lips came together in another greedy, tongue-twisting kiss that had them straining to get closer.

Max moved his hand to her bottom and pulled her in tight against him.

Lexi felt like she’d died and gone straight to heaven.