“He’s a great kid because of your time and attention and the example you’ve set for him.”

“Thank you. That means a lot.”

“I thought I’d have four kids by now,” she said with a sigh. “With you.”

Max glanced at her. “You imagined us having kids together?”

“Oh my God, all the time! I could see it so clearly. You, me and a team of kiddos.” She smiled at him. “I hope you know that if cancer hadn’t intervened, I would’ve been right back here the minute I could’ve to pick up where we left off.”

“Ever since I found out where you’d been and why, all I can think about is what might’ve been for both of us. I guess things worked out the way they were meant to in some ways, because I wouldn’t have had Caden if we’d stayed together.”

“You were definitely meant to have him.”

“But you weren’t meant to have cancer,” Max said.

“I think I was, though. It was something I was supposed to go through for whatever reason, and the result is a whole new appreciation for days like today when regular life happens.”

“Today hasn’t been regular for me in any way. I got to hang out with you, I got a dog and Caden’s mother reappeared. Any one of those things would be a major headline on any other day. That’s a lot for one day. My head is spinning a bit.”

“Do you feel better after talking to your parents?”

“I guess. Except for the part where I need to tell Caden his mother has resurfaced and wants to see him.”

“How do you think he’ll respond?”

“He’ll want to see her.”

“You seem sure of that.”

“I am sure. He’s started asking more about her in the last year or so as he tunes in to the fact that his friends and cousins have mothers, and he doesn’t.”

“What have you said in response to his questions?”

“Just that we were both really young when we had him and she wasn’t ready to be a mom, but she loves him very much. And then he asks where she is. I say I’m not sure and try to change the subject. That’s getting tougher to do as he gets older.”

“It’s the right thing to give him the choice to see her.”

“I know, but I still don’t like it. Anyway, we’ve talked enough about her for one day.”

“Don’t feel like you have to change the subject on my account. I understand that her reappearance is a very big deal to you.”

“It’s like a nuclear bomb detonating, metaphorically speaking.”

“I’m sure, but it’ll be okay. You know that, right?”

“Keep telling me.”

“As much as you need to hear it.”

He pulled into the parking lot at Kingdom Pizza, put the truck in Park, but left it running. “It’s just like I remember with you. Easy, fun, cool.” He glanced over at her. “I’ve never had that with anyone else. Having you back has made me realize I’ve been looking for that. I’ve been looking foryou.”

Lexi fanned her face. “It’s getting warm in here again.”

His smile only added to the heat level. “I mean it.”

“I know you do, and I’m trying to figure out what it means.”

“Me, too. Maybe we can figure it out together?”