That’s great! I wondered if we’d have to go to Burlington when we got back to VT. What’s Caden doing while you’re gone?
He’s hanging with Lucas and Dani and their family. The kids are excited.
Has he been skiing again?
Not yet. We told him and Chase we’d take them soon. Not sure I’m ready for that, but they are, and we don’t want them to be afraid of it. It’s their favorite thing.
Now that they know what can happen, they’ll be extra careful.
I hope so. What are you guys doing today?
Nothing much. Exchanging gifts and having dinner. Some of my parents’ friends are coming over after dinner to play cards.
That sounds fun and relaxing. Unlike Christmas at the barn.
Cherish these memories. The kids won’t be little for much longer.
I know. It’s already going by so fast.
Caden popped up from his spot on the air mattress. “It’s Christmas! Let’s get going, Dad!”
Caden is awake, so I have to go. I’ll call you later?
Can’t wait. Love you. Tell everyone I said Merry Christmas!
You do the same. Love you, too.
“Who are you texting with?” Caden asked.
“She said to tell you Merry Christmas, and she’s looking forward to seeing you soon.”
“When is she coming again?”
“I’m going there in three days to help her drive the moving truck to Vermont.”
“How come I never met her before she came here?”
“Remember how I told you she was sick for a long time?”
“Oh right. Is she okay now?”
“She’s doing great and is excited to get home to Vermont. She was living in Houston to be close to the hospital that treated her.”
“I’m glad she’s okay. Can we open presents now?”
Max appreciated that Caden was asking about her and took that as progress. “Yeah, buddy. Let’s do that.”
Christmasat the barn was the usual three-ring circus with kids and dogs—and a moose—underfoot, presents, laughter, music and food. Everyone was abuzz with the news that Charley had proposed to Tyler and Lucas and Landon had gotten into bed with the wrong wives during the night. They would never live that down.
The Colemans came over after dinner, which brought the crowd to nearly one hundred people.
Elmer Stillman sat amid the madness surrounded by grandchildren and great-grandchildren, smiling from ear to ear the way he always did when his family was around.
Landon brought the horses and sleigh from the farm and took all the kids for rides. Later, Colton had organized a massive snowball fight that helped to wear out the young ones before their parents took them home.