He guffawed. “Good luck finding one bigger than mine.”

“Shut up, Landon.”

“I’m just saying… Good luck with that.”

She pinched his lips closed, making him laugh.

He drew her in close to him and kissed her bare shoulder as he breathed in the familiar scent that he’d know anywhere as his love. “Sorry for the mix-up. There’s only one Amanda Abbott, the only one I want to grow old with.”

“If you ever touch someone else’s boobs again, you won’t live long enough to grow old.”

“Yes, dear.” He kissed her neck. “Merry Christmas, love.”

“Merry Christmas, Landon.”

“What was all that?”Linc asked when Molly returned to bed after investigating the screaming.

“Your jackass sons got in bed with the wrong wives.”

“Need I ask which jackasses?”

“No, you don’t.”

Linc lost it laughing. “Those two…”

“They’re grown men with wives and children, and they’re still nitwits.”

“And we wouldn’t have them any other way.”

“Thank God for Amanda and Dani. They’re a couple of saints.”

Linc put his arm around her. “Indeed, they are.”

“Landon was bare-ass naked in the hallway, hand over his privates and a wild look in his eyes as Amanda pulled him into their room.”

“Too bad you didn’t get video of that.”

“I want to scrub the sight from my brain,” she said with a giggle.

“Just when we think we’ve seen everything with this family,” Linc said.

“They go and top themselves.”

“This is my favorite night of the year, having them all sleeping under our roof.”

“Mine, too, even with the chaos.”

“What would the Abbotts be without a little chaos?”

“They get that from your people,” Molly said, as she always did when the kids behaved outrageously.

“You’d like to think so, wouldn’t you?” he asked with a chuckle. “My people were far less unruly than your people. After all, there’re no moose whisperers in my family. She gets that from your people.”

“The moose whispering is uniquely hers,” Molly said of their eldest daughter.

“Speaking of moose, there’s probably one in your mudroom by now. Nolan was going after Dexter when I went to bed. Something about him raising a ruckus at home.”

“Of course there’s a moose in my mudroom. Wouldn’t be Christmas without Dexter.”