Page 23 of Hera

“It is called a paddock,” Augustine told her. “Let us go.” He followed her out of the stable, instinctively ducking his head when they passed the large door, even though it was more than tall enough for him, even astride his horse.

They walked the horses beside each other alongside the fence.

“How do you feel?” Augustine asked.

“A little bit jolted around,” Hera said. “You don’t look like you’re bouncing all over the place. How do you do it?”

Augustine glanced sideways at her and winced. Her breasts were jumping with each movement; it looked painful. “I grip with my knees and try to rise and fall with the horse. It is less likely to hurt your pelvis as well.”

Hera shifted slightly, trying to take his advice. “I think that’s better,” she said. “I’m not sure I could handle anything faster than a walk, though.”

“That is all right. I quite like walking with you,” Augustine said. “Are you ready to try leaving the paddock?”

“Yes, let’s go!”

They rode together for a while in silence, enjoying the scenery. Eventually, Augustine broke it. “I have a question.”

“Go for it,” Hera responded.

“Demi caters for events, correct?”

“She does, yes. I look after the shop when she does events, if they happen during the day. In the evening, sometimes I go with her.” Hera glanced at him quickly. “Why, do you have an event you’d like catered?”

“Oh, no, nothing like that,” Augustine said quickly. “No, I had heard that she catered for events topside?”

“Yes, that’s how she and Charles got to know each other better,” Hera said. “Oh, I get it. You’re wondering how she got the food across.”

“Yes.” Augustine was relieved she’d figured out his question.

“She doesn’t. She rents a kitchen topside and does all the cooking there. It’s a bit more work, but obviously worth it.” Hera chuckled. “Can you imagine bringing that mess into an upscale event?”

“That would be quite traumatic,” Augustine agreed. “Watch out!”

Dream stumbled in a burrow, throwing Hera from her back. Finding herself riderless, Dream tossed her head, and ignoring Augustine’s calls, took off back the way they had come.

Augustine immediately scrambled from Fantasy’s back, gripped the reins securely and rushed to Hera’s side. “Are you all right?” he asked, worried. “Is anything broken?”

“I’m fine, I think,” Hera gasped. “A bit winded. Is Dream okay?”

“She took off for home, so I doubt she hurt herself,” Augustine said, giving Hera a hand up. “And her reins are short enough that even if they slip, she is unlikely to trip herself.”

“I hadn’t even considered that!” Hera cried. “I’m glad she’s not hurt. How far back is it?”

“Quite a ways, unfortunately.” Augustine indicated Fantasy. “We can ride double. Come on.” He gently lifted her onto the horse and then climbed on behind her.

“This is cozy,” Hera said, leaning back against his chest. She tipped her head up to look at him. “I think I like riding horses like this.”

Augustine clucked to the mare, who started walking back. “I do too,” he murmured, and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.


“And then the murders began!”Chloe said dramatically.

“Really,” Hera replied, unfazed as she brought tea out from the kitchen of her apartment and started distributing it around the table. “At your job, in a book, or late-night gingerbread men snack craving?”

“Can’t it be all of the above?” Chloe replied, grinning so wolfishly that Hera had to double check that her friend hadn’t started shifting into her white wolf form in her dining room.

“Oh, thank you, Hera,” Heidi, Chloe’s best friend said. She took her cup and inhaled the rich aroma. “Caffeinated, right?”