Hedefinitelyweighed more than a rag doll. He was fighting a bear shifter today. Mind you,fightingwas a bit of a stretch.
Augustine rolled to his feet and shook out his shoulders. He wassupposedto be winning today. Instead, he kept finding himself scouring the stands for the mysterious woman in purple or thinking about Hera.
In his mind, the two women had blended together. He wasn’t sure why. Hera didn’t wear dark makeup and he’d barely caught a glimpse of the woman in purple. But there his brain went, mixing them together anyway.
He caught a nasty left hook in his right hand, making the crowd cheer loudly.
Maybe my brain put them together because they have similar curves?
Augustine twisted the other man’s arm behind his back, bringing him to his knees. He pressed down heavily, and the other fell to the sand.
I need to stop thinking about Hera’s body.
At the beach, Hera had said the sun was too hot to continue wearing her dress. She had snapped her fingers and stretched out on the blanket in a lilac one-piece that did nothing to hide her curves. Augustine had to admit that it was a tasteful swimsuit, but nonetheless, he had to rein in his self-control tightly.
Maybe my brain decided that lilac and violet are practically the same color?
The bear shifter twisted his legs around, hooking Augustine behind the knee and throwing him off-balance. The two men rolled in the sand, each fighting for control over the other.
Augustine could feel the wall near his feet and pushed off, the strength in his legs giving him the extra momentum to flip on top of the bear shifter. Augustine pinned the man down and the whistle blew.
The two men got to their feet.
“The winner of this match is Augustine McKellen!” the referee announced, raising Augustine’s arm.
Augustine smiled and waved robotically at the audience, as was expected of him, and left for his ready-room as soon as he could.
He sent off a quick text to his brothers letting them know he’d won and spent much too long crafting another to send to Hera. She still didn’t know about his job at the fight club.
What would she think?
He had to tell her soon. Perhaps, this weekend when he brought her to the stables. And then there was the little matter of his own supernatural status...
Finally, he sent her a text saying he was thinking about her and got in the shower to get the sand and grime off his skin.
I did say I was thinking of her.
He looked down his body at his half-hard cock. Hera in her frilly little yellow dress on the weekend popped into his mind’s eye again, the skirt swishing around her thighs. She’d looked incredible astride the bike, the muscles in her calf accentuating their slender curve.
I want to kiss every inch of her.
Augustine soaped up his body, avoiding the place he so desired to touch. He needed to get all the dirt off before he could have his fun. The hot water cascaded over his shoulders, warming his muscles nicely, and he watched the grey water swirl down the drain until it turned clear.
He sucked in a deep breath, and the imaginary Hera changed into the lilac swimsuit. Augustine braced himself on the wall of the shower. His free hand rubbed across his chest from one nipple to the other and then arrowed down between his legs, the back of his hand bumping the crown of cock at his belly button. A breath hissed out between his teeth.
I am already so sensitive!
He closed his eyes, visualizing Hera’s body, the way she’d filled out her bathing suit, the tight material straining over her expansive bosom, the slight darkness and peaking where her nipples were...
Augustine gasped as his cock throbbed, weeping slightly, untouched as of yet.
Will she like sweet, gentle sex?
He curled his fist around his shaft, giving it a light squeeze.
Something rougher?
His hand moved faster at the thought of Hera stretched out beneath him, moaning his name as he pounded into her.