Hera beamed up at him. “You can tell a lot about a man by how he loses to a woman. That was quite gracious.”
“I am kicking myself for not doing the math properly before we started, believe me,” Augustine said ruefully. “I will not make the same mistake again.”
“I expect not!” Hera said with a chuckle. “Will you walk me home?”
“I would love to,” Augustine said. “Shall I fetch your coat?”
“I didn’t bring one,” Hera replied.
“Then you may have mine,” he offered immediately, draping it around her shoulders.
“Won’t you be cold?”
“I run warm,” Augustine reassured her, trying not to feel too possessive. She looked so tiny in his large jacket.
“Leaving so soon?” Eve asked them at the door. “You’re not interested in your matches?”
Hera smiled and squeezed Augustine’s arm. “I’ve found mine, thank you. No others are necessary.”
“That is excellent news.” Eve’s smile showed all her teeth, including two razor sharp eyeteeth, making Augustine shiver a tiny bit.
He wasn’t quite sure what they talked about on the short walk to ButterNut Bakery, but suddenly they were standing in front of her door.
“Would you like to come up?” Hera asked, linking their fingers as she turned to face him.
Augustine swallowed hard. “I would like to, but I am going to have to decline. I am not sure I would be able to control myself around you in a private setting.”
“What if that’s what I want?” Hera pressed her body against his.
His fingers twitched as he wrapped his arms around her tiny body. “I am not ready to take that step, yet. Please do not be offended. It is a big deal for me and I wish to get to know each other better before we fall into bed together.”
Hera smiled up at him. “I can take things slow. You’re worth it. May I have your number? I would like to be able to reach you to plan our first date.”
Augustine pulled his cell phone out of his back pocket and handed it to her unlocked. She gave him hers and he quickly typed in his name and number.
“Good night, August.” Hera slipped out of his coat and handed it back to him. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Good night, Hera.” He kissed the back of her hand, getting a whiff of vanilla and apple pie again. “Sweet dreams.”
He waited until she had entered her apartment before he shrugged into his coat, her scent on the collar filling his senses. Thoughts of her accompanied him the entire way home.
“Is itthatbad?”
Hera gave herself a mental shake, dragging her mind back to the present and her sister, who was looking upset. “Sorry, something’s bad?”
“The apple tart!”
“Ooooh you made an apple tart?” Hera sniffed the air. “Where?”
Demi huffed, exasperated. “Beside you on the counter.”
Hera’s mouth dropped open. “I didn’t even notice it!”
“You didn’t—” Demi cut herself off and snapped her fingers. The tart was suddenly steaming slightly, refreshed. “Try it, and then you simply must tell me about this guy that has got you daydreaming forhours!”
“Surely, it hasn’t been that long,” Hera protested, glancing at the clock on the wall of the kitchen. “Oh no! I have to finish up that shifter-masking lotion today or else the herbs will be useless!”