Who doesn’t?
The Goddess of love.
“Pleased to meet you both,” he said formally.
“So polite,” cooed Eve. “So handsome. We could use more men like you at our speed dating event. You’d meet your mate quickly there.”
Augustine looked from her to Aphrodite. “You have had many successes?”
She nodded, her eyes sharp as she looked at him.
He squirmed.
What is she looking for?
Can she see what I am?
“I am not sure how comfortable I am with something so fast. I have not dated in... a while.”
“Then this is the perfect way to get your feet wet!” Eve exclaimed. She rose gracefully from her chair and plucked a business card from her purse. Her hips swayed as she walked over to him. “No expectations. You’ll meet a bunch of women, and if you don’t want to get to know any of them better, you can simply leave.” She slid the business card into his shirt pocket and patted it, fingers lingering on his pectoral. “But I guarantee there’ll be at least one that will strike your fancy.”
“Thanks,” Augustine croaked. The card felt like it was burning a hole in his dress shirt, or perhaps, that was simply her touch. Rather than watch Eve walk back to the table, he returned his gaze to Aphrodite. “When is it? I cannot go if it interferes with my business.”
Aphrodite smiled. “Tomorrow night. It’s at DeLux Cafe. Do you know where that is?”
He nodded. “There will not be humans there tomorrow, will there?” Telling a human that he was a dragon shifter seemed even more unmanageable than telling a resident of Purgatory.
“Unlikely.” She raked her gaze over him and raised an eyebrow. “I can’t imagine anyone having a problem with you, though.”
Augustine blushed and changed the subject. “I will rearrange my schedule. Thank you, ladies.” He swigged back his beer and got to his feet, ducking to avoid banging his head on one of the lower chandeliers. “See you tomorrow night.”
“You won’t regret it,” Aphrodite called after him.
He adjusted his duffel and set off for home.
I hope she is right.
What will Finley and Jaden think?
He found himself thinking about the beauty in the back of the audience at the fight club again. He’d never seen her before and wondered if that was due to his inattention or if it was really her first time at Valhalla’s Throne.
I could go back and ask Odin, but what does it matter?
I am not going to stalk the poor woman!
He daydreamed the rest of the walk back to the outskirts of Purgatory and his brothers.
Hera wokeup in as bad a temper as she had fallen asleep. The storm that filled Purgatory’s skies was visible proof of her foul mood. She grumbled along with the thunder as she got dressed and headed downstairs to the bakery.
Demi was already hard at work in the kitchen, her apron dusted with flour from whatever treats she was making that day.
Hera sniffed the air. “Cinnamon?” she asked.
“Apple turnovers,” Demi replied. She nodded to a stool she had pulled over to the counter. “Based on the weather this morning, you need some serious sister bonding time.”
“No, I don’t.” Hera took the offered seat and bit into an icing sugar-dusted pastry. She moaned as the sweet tartness burst across her tongue. “Okay, that almost makes up for last night. Give me a bushel of these, please.”