Page 56 of Hera

“Augustine said you might need help,” Finley said.

“Perfect timing,” Demi said, putting a box in his hands. “The truck is just around the corner.”

Augustine smothered a chuckle. “This is Jaden, that was Finley,” he said by way of introduction.

The six of them made quick work of packing the truck and headed over to Lucifer and Chloe’s.

“They seem nice,” Hera whispered to Augustine in the backseat of the truck behind Demi and Charles.

“Seemsis the operative word,” Augustine replied, rolling his eyes. He laughed softly to himself. “But in all seriousness, they’re great guys.”

Setting up took Demi no longer than a wave of her hand in the large central garden of the castle.

“Thank you,” Chloe said, coming up to them. “I know Lucifer sprung this on you rather last minute...”

“It was no problem at all,” Demi reassured her. “I had excellent helpers.”

Lucifer appeared just then, baby Atlanta snug in his arms, bright eyes looking around in interest. “Ah, there you are, McKellen.” His nostrils flared and his eyebrows furrowed. “We haven’t seen one of your kind in Purgatory before,” he growled.

Augustine swallowed hard, all his nerves on edge and hackles raised. He felt sure that Lucifer was going to order him to leave, that he didn’t want dragon shifters in his city...

And then Lucifer laughed, slapping him on the shoulder. “You and your brothers fit right in. We should go flying sometime. Want to hold her?”

“Hold—?” Augustine felt like he’d gotten whiplash.

Lucifer transferred the baby to his arms, giving him no time to think. Augustine looked down at the tiny pink bundle uncertainly. “Good day, little one.”

She blinked her eyes slowly, which Augustine decided meant she trusted him.

“You’re a natural,” Hera said, peeking at the baby over his arm. “We need to help your brothers.”

“What do you mean?” He looked around for them, wondering how they’d gotten in trouble already.

“I mean we should help them find their mates!” Hera exclaimed excitedly. “So they can be as happy as we are!”

“You know, I cannot think of a single reason why not.”

Thank you for reading Hera!

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Turn the page now for an excerpt fromAsterionby C.D. Gorri, Book Twenty-One in the Speed Dating with the Denizens of the Underworld series!


“STOP!” Fanny screamed the command. Her eyes were tearing, they were open so wide as she stared down whatever the hell it was charging her.

But it was too late.

The enormous beast—and it was a beast, for she saw horns and a hide white as the driven snow behind the cloud of Underworld ash it had kicked up—was moving too darn fast to stop.

A deep bawling noise bellowed forth from the thing as it skidded, pulling back on its huge body. The creature was obviously trying to slow its reckless pace, but it wasn’t enough. The monster bellowed as he crashed right into her shop, taking half of her stock and the south wall with him.

Shocked and appalled, Fanny gasped, spitting out dust and narrowly avoiding a part of the ceiling that came crashing down as she raced around the outside of the barn to take in the damage.