“If you keep touching me like that, you won’t be able to fit it inside you,” he warned, his voice a deep rumble that made her shiver.
Hera chuckled. “You underestimate my determination, but I’ll take your word for it.” She straddled the large dragon, his cock rubbing against her apex without even trying. “This is going to be so much fun,” she murmured, encircling his shaft again and holding it steady. She had to rise up onto her heels to align herself properly, the spikes making the head feel almost fluffy against her nether lips. It was a strange feeling, but exciting. She rocked her hips slightly, enjoying the sensation.
Augustine clenched his front claws. “I am worried—”
“If it hurts, I’ll stop,” Hera said soothingly. She relaxed and pressed down, each spike adding to the usual sensations of being entered. She could feel once the head had passed through her entrance, her body enveloping it and tightening as she continued the downward motion along the shaft. “Goddess, Augustine!” she cried out as she bottomed out, throwing her head back as she gasped for breath.
“Does it hurt? Are you okay?” Augustine asked quickly, his wings flexing in agitation.
“No hurt. Feels good. So deep,” Hera managed to say between heaving breaths. She put a hand over her lower abdomen, feeling it distended slightly, and pressed against him. He twitched inside her and she moaned. “Fuck,” she murmured, biting her lip. Gathering her strength, she rose up and lowered herself, moving slowly until she was sure she could take all of him easily. Each pass was easier than the previous, her body excited beyond anything she had ever felt before. “I’m going to let gravity take over,” she told Augustine as she reached the peak of her motion.
His eyes widened, the purple iris of his dragon like fire behind the clear blue eyes of the man as he struggled to keep his size in check.
Hera relaxed her muscles, falling to the base of his cock in one swoop, her shout of pleasure harmonizing with Augustine’s.
“You liked that, didn’t you,” she gasped. “I can feel your crown swelling inside of me.”
The spikes felt like ribbing as they traveled over her inner walls, something that she always enjoyed.
I really need to find a better name for them than that, because they’re not sharp.
She repeated the thrust-fall several more times until Augustine roared and flapped his wings. Hera found herself manipulated delicately by giant claws as he changed their positions, placing her on all fours underneath him. Hera was thrust forward into her mattress as he drilled into her, reaching depths she hadn’t known existed.
Glancing to either side, she could see his claws curling into her sheets, and she felt the underside of his chest as he curled over her back. She couldn’t keep her eyes open for more than that, as she quickly reached the precipice of pleasure. She’d barely come down from that peak when he thrust her into the next one. She was riding high, everything becoming a blur, when something changed. She wasn’t quite sure what it was at first, given her blissful state. After a moment of concentration, and trying to ignore the tingling in her nerves, she felt it again... The head of his penis had grown more, thickened to epic proportions and stretched her more than she ever thought possible.
“I am going to fill you up,” Augustine rumbled above her, his wings and body surrounding her. “Hera, I am close. I cannot hold it in any longer.”
“Yes, August, yes! Fill me!” Hera cried. The rush of hot cum was heralded by his bellow. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she came yet again, squeezing him for every drop he had to offer her.
She returned to consciousness slowly, Augustine’s heated body surrounding her with warmth. Hera stretched out and caressed what she could reach of his still scaly forearms. She felt full—more than full—stuffed with the large head of his cock in her extended channel, and pressed one hand over her lower belly, biting back a moan.
“Are you awake?” Augustine asked quietly. “I am sorry I was so vigorous. I promise—”
“Don’t you dare apologize!” Hera replied emphatically, twisting so she could look him in the eye. “That was the best sex of my life! The only promise you’re going to give me is that we can do that again. Do you understand?”
A rumbling purr echoed from Augustine’s chest. “You are not just saying that?”
“I don’t lie,” Hera said quietly. “You should know that by now.”
“You passed out.”
“From pleasure.” Hera wanted to roll her eyes.
“I did not realize that was possible.” He blinked slowly at her.
“Believe me, it is, and you just railed me into next week.” Hera smirked and squeezed her inner muscles, clamping around his knot and making him groan. “If tonight is what sex with you will be like regularly, I’m going to be a very happy woman.”
Augustine hummed and licked her nose, making her laugh. “Your happiness is paramount.”
“So... Ummm... When will you deflate?”
Augustine wokeup in the morning in an unfamiliar room on an unfamiliar bed. But the woman with him was easily recognizable. His heart gave a particularly large thump when she rolled onto her back and stretched like a cat, her curvaceous nude body on full display for him.
“Enjoying the view or are you going to participate?” she said, a sleepy rasp in her voice that brought him to instant hardness.
“What would you do if I said I wanted to enjoy the view?” Belying his words, he curled one hand around her hip and stroked his thumb over smooth skin.