Page 50 of Hera

Petting down the center of her back with one claw-tipped finger, he ordered, “Yes. Call forth your wings, Goddess Hera.”

Hera gaped at him for a moment, her cheeks flushing a brilliant scarlet, before her wings made their appearance, nearly pulling her off of him as they caught the air current.

Augustine braced her, holding her against his chest. “Spread them out, angled down. Good. Now you have some control. Flap. Again. Good. Feel how the air moves under your wings. You are in control. You are the Goddess Hera. You are amazing.” With each bit of encouragement, Hera grew bolder, until he relaxed his grip on her back and she rose above him, flying on her own.

She let out a whoop and wobbled, quickly righting herself.

Augustine beamed proudly. “You’ve come a long way already.” He twitched his tail to keep himself steady as the current fluctuated.

Hera had no such appendage and dropped into his arms. “I think that’s enough for tonight,” she said breathlessly. She ran her fingers over his scaled chest and banished her wings, shivering. “I need you now.”

“You want to teleport?” Augustine asked.

“Is that all right? You must not get the chance to fly very often.” Hera wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled under his chin.

“Give me a moment. There’s something I’ve always wanted to try.”

“No problem.”

“Hang on.” He flipped over, cradling her body in his powerful arms, and with strong beats of his wings, climbed in the air. When they were high enough, he transformed into human form and they plunged downward, twined together in an embrace. He shouted in exhilaration and then turned back into dragon form, catching the next air current that swooped them safely away from the water.

“Warning!” Hera gasped. She slapped his chest with one hand. “That was terrifying!”

“If you were that terrified, you would have teleported us,” Augustine replied smugly.

“I’m going to do that, now.”

In the next moment, Augustine found himself spiraling through the uniquely uncomfortable sensation of her teleport, and then they were in her living room. He instantly felt too big for the space, something that made him intensely uncomfortable.

“Hang on,” Hera said, and made several gestures once he put her on her feet. “I can get you a bottle of that travel potion if you need it.”

The walls, which had felt too close a moment ago, seemed much further away, now. The doorways and hall to her bedroom had increased in size. Augustine looked around the apartment, completely distracted from the gurgling of his stomach from the rough teleport. “Did you... You made your apartment bigger? For me?” His tail lashed behind him, not encountering any impediments.

“Of course.” Hera ran her hand along his jaw. “I want you to feel comfortable here, in whatever form you choose.”

“Goddess, I love you,” Augustine breathed, changing to his human from with barely a thought and hugging her tightly to him.

“Take me to bed,” Hera purred in his ear, wrapping her legs around his waist.

“With pleasure,” Augustine growled, his long strides taking them quickly to her bedroom, despite it being further away than it had been a few moments prior.

He placed her gently on the foot of her bed. He brought her left hand to his mouth, kissing over the violet ring she wore. “I do not want this evening to ever end. I cannot go back to seeing you only on the weekend.”

Hera raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t this ring an engagement ring? I fully expect to see you as often as possible until we move in together.”

“I need you,” Augustine breathed, encouraged by her words. “I need you like I need air.”

“Then take me,” Hera said, snapping her fingers and removing her clothing.

“Oh...” Augustine swallowed his disappointment. There would be other times.

“What’s wrong?” Hera asked, obviously attuned to his mood shift. She blushed. “Am I too forward?”

“No, I...” Augustine cleared his throat. “I wanted to take your clothes off. Take my time.”

“I’m sorry!” Hera gasped. “I didn’t even think about that. Hang on...” She snapped her fingers again and she was wearing a pair of baggy grey sweatpants and a loose black spaghetti strap tank top. “Better? This is what I wear when I’m lounging about the apartment.”

His mouth went dry. “How do you look amazing in whatever you wear?” he asked, trailing the backs of his fingers along one strap over her shoulder. It was quite obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra, and he didn’t quite understand why her wearing shapeless clothing was turning him on faster than her being naked.