Page 49 of Hera

Hera tensed and moaned. “Yes, yes, inside me!” she cried out, bending forward to give him room to slide in behind her.

This position mostly cut off his air supply, her hard pubic bone pressing against his nose. He didn’t care, his mind focused on the sensations being provided to him by his sensitive tail as it snaked up her thigh. He spread her cheeks and used his tail to trace her creases lightly down the middle, over one divot to the next, warm and wet.

He felt the soft scales against his chin as his tail entered her channel, the appendage getting wider further from the tip, his mouth busy with the now throbbing swollen bud.

“OhGoddess, yes!” Hera groaned out, her voice muffled due to her thighs over his ears and the water pounding down beside them.

Augustine ran his fingers over every inch of skin he could reach, from her voluptuous hips to her breasts hanging just above his head. He pinched the engorged nipples and she screamed in pleasure, coating his tail in a wash of creamy honey and shaking in his grasp. He slowed the movements of his tongue, pushing it inside her to slurp up the feast she was providing for him.

Eventually, she shakily crawled backward down his body until they were face-to-face. “That was incredible,” she whispered. “How did you know what I needed?”

“You are very good at letting me know what you want,” Augustine said, feeling proud. “I am glad I was able to make you feel as good as you did for me.” He stroked his hands down the leading edge of her wings to the bend, feeling the similarities and differences between her wings and his. Other than hers being feathered and his leather, they were remarkably comparable. “Have you ever tried flying?”

“Hmm?” Hera asked, eyes half-lidded. “Whatever you’re doing feels incredible. Don’t stop.”

Augustine chuckled low. “I will not. Flying?” He gently threaded his fingers through her primaries, arranging them to lie flat and coaxing the water from them.

“I’ve never been able to control them enough for that,” Hera said softly.

“Do you want to try?” Her eyes snapped open at that and he met her gaze calmly. “I would be with you every step—well, flap—of the way,” he reassured her.

“What about sex?” Hera said with a pout.

“While this cave is romantic and all, I would rather be comfortable the first time we make love,” Augustine said dryly.

“Oh my Goddess!” Hera gasped, sitting upright. “I forgot this was your first time! Is it okay so far? Are you having fun?”

Augustine chuckled and sat up as well, wrapping her up in his arms and manifesting his wings to better enfold her in his embrace. “It has been amazing.Youare amazing.” He held her face gently between both hands, feeling altogether too large to touch her. “Let us go get dressed.” He pretended not to notice her shivering as they re-entered the water, both their wings tucked away. “Dress warmly,” he cautioned her as she started to pull on her dress.

“Right.” Hera banished the remains of their meal and dressed herself in a fleece-lined jacket and pants. “What do you think?”

“Very nice.” Augustine appreciated the way her new outfit hugged her curves while he pulled on his pants.

He took her hand as they walked the short way back to the beach. “Are you ready for this?”

“No,” Hera said bluntly. “But I trust you.”

His heart swelled at that. “I will not let you fall.” He walked her through the mechanics of her wings, how to shift her muscles so that the extra appendage could flap. Once on the beach, he transformed into his dragon and had her feel his shoulder blades while he moved his wings in a slow arc.

“I think I understand how it works, but I don’t know how to do it.” Hera looked worried, a furrow on her brow.

Augustine booped his snout against her forehead. “I will be with you. Climb up.”

Hera mounted above his wings, her warmth almost scorching. He gave his head a little shake, determined to focus and give her a pleasant and successful first flying experience. Then, he launched himself into the sky, wings beating powerfully as he climbed higher, the air whistling in his ears as he thrilled at the feeling of flying with his mate, even if she wasn’t flying under her own power yet.

“Do you trust me?” he shouted over his shoulder.

“Of course!” she shouted back.

“Let go!” Without giving her time to think about it, he did a loop in midair. Hera fell off at the top, but he caught her a split second later, now flying on his back with her face down against his chest.

He nudged the top of her head, concerned that she hadn’t yet raised it.

“I’m fine.” Hera looked up at him. “Just trying to get my heart to stop trying to escape my chest.”

Augustine chuckled. “Bring your wings out.”

“Now?” Her voice squeaked on the word.