Page 43 of Mercy

Plugs and beads? One.

The reason I’m here is to prove to her I’m not afraid of being submissive, so I’m not going to shy away from the good stuff now.

I didn’t tell Maggie about how I saw this list on my father’s desk once, not knowing then that it was more than likely my ex-girlfriend who filled it out. I didn’t want to drag the past and all of that awkwardness into this thing Maggie and I have. The past belongs in the past.

I’m sitting on her kitchen counter next to a stack of unopened boxes while she looks through the list, chewing on her inner lip. Finally, she sets the packet down on the counter and glares at me.

“What?” I ask.

“Are you taking this seriously?”

My face screws up in confusion. “What? Yes!”

She picks the paper back up. “Okay, so youlovethe idea of flogging and choking?”

I shrug. “I’m game.”

“Beau,” she says, sounding exasperated. Then she pinches the bridge of her nose as she continues, “If I’m going to be the one making you do these things, I need to know what you’re comfortable with. None of this is worth humiliating or hurting you.”

“If I don’t like it, I’ll tell you to stop.”

She sets the paper back down. “That reminds me—we need a safe word.

“I can’t just say stop?”

“No,” she replies. “Well, technically yes, you can, but in some scenarios, that’s not enough, so the safe word is necessary.”

“Okay…” I say. Reaching down, I scratch the giant gray dog nudging my leg for attention, and he jumps up, putting his massive paws on the counter, nearly matching me in height. “How about Ringo?”

“Absolutely not. We are not using my dog’s name as our safe word. Ringo, down!” she snaps, and the dog immediately obeys, dropping down to the floor. I continue to scratch his head when I look up at Maggie. She’s wearing an uneasy expression. “Mercy.”

“Excuse me?” I ask.

“Mercy…will be our safe word. Can you remember that?”

I nod. “I guess.”

When I look up at her again, I notice something is different. Her shoulders are pressed back further than normal and she’s keeping her expression more guarded. She looks more confident today.

“We have to go over a few rules too,” she adds.

“Okay.” I stop petting Ringo to give Maggie my full attention. Soon, he loses interest and disappears into the living room.

Maggie scratches the back of her neck before quickly composing herself. “I don’t want you seeing anyone else while we do this. Even if we don’t have sex, it’s important to me that this is exclusive.”

My brow furrows. I wasn’t getting laid much anyway, and I sort of figured I’d be spending all of my free time—which is all of my time lately—here with her.

“Okay,” I reply, but she quickly cuts me off.

“Yes, ma’am,” she snaps. “You’ll address me as ma’am, and as long as you’re at my house in this setting, then you can assume we’re in a scene.”

“A scene?”

“Yes, that’s what it’s called…when I’m your Domme and you’re my sub.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She’s getting stern and serious, and I notice the way it has my skin prickling with excitement and a smile fighting its way onto my face, but I manage to keep a serious expression.