Page 118 of Mercy

This is fucking miserable.

And to make things worse, these assholes won’t give me any answers. I don’t know if Maggie is okay or if that waste of human flesh hurt her, too, after he knocked me out with that fucking crowbar.

I’m about to throw a royal fit when a familiar face appears through a crack in the door like an angel. As soon as our eyes meet, Maggie’s expression contorts into anguish before she rushes into the room, right past the mean nurse and directly up to my bedside.

“Oh my God,” she cries as she wraps her arms around me, burying her face in my neck. “Are you okay?”

Her touch is like heaven. She’s all warm hands and sweet perfume, but most importantly, she seems perfectly fine. Her embrace is strong and desperate, and the weight is lifted from my shoulders when I feel her in my arms.

I’m in a hospital gown to cover my chest, since they had to cut my shirt off to put in my IV. I’m still covered in crusty blood and dirt. I look like shit and feel like shit, but Maggie doesn’t care about any of that. She’s just here to seeme.

“Are youokay?” I reply.

“I’m fine.” When she pulls back, she inspects my head, giving me a grimace as she notices the nasty-looking stitches and swelling above my left eye.

“I’m lucky that dickhead didn’t bash my skull in.”

Tears fill her eyes as she winces. I shouldn’t have said that. Although it’s true.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask. She looks rough. Her hair is a mess, makeup smeared across her face, and there are heavy bags under her eyes, which means she must have spent a lot of time crying.

She still looks beautiful, though.

“I’m okay now,” she says, sitting on the edge of my bed. I don’t want to let her go. My hands cling to hers, and I wish this mean nurse would fuck off, so I can pull Maggie into this bed with me. Just to have her close.

“They’re not letting me go home,” I say with a huff. Then I glare angrily at the nurse again.

“You need to be monitored and get better. Don’t worry about going home.” Her fingers are stroking my knuckles as the conversation grows quiet. The air gets thick and I realize just how tense she is.

She’s not telling me something.

We wait a few moments, not saying anything, until the mean nurse finally ducks out of the room. As soon as we’re alone, Maggie squeezes my hand tighter.

“What’s going on?” I ask, demanding to know what she’s not telling me.

“Your dad is here.”

My eyes search her face for more. My doped-up brain is taking too long to connect any dots. What the hell happened while I was out?

“He knows?” I ask.

“He knows.” She still has tears in her eyes. Part of mereallywants to go to sleep now. I don’t want to face the truth, and I definitely don’t want him coming in here and asking me a million questions or lecturing me about this.

“What did he say? Was he mad?”

Her eyes widen, and I take that to mean yes. “He was very mad.”

“He’ll get over it,” I reply bluntly.


“I’m serious. He will. I had to get over him and Charlie. He’ll get over me and you. He doesn’t have a choice.”

She forces a smile, and a tear slips over her lashes, plunging to the bed and landing on the scratchy white sheet. The sight of her crying is all wrong. I hate it, so I quickly wipe it away from her face and pull her against me again, using her body to keep me warm.

When she feels me shiver, she snaps upward. “You’re freezing. You need a blanket.”

“I’m fine,” I reply, tugging on her again, but she doesn’t budge. Instead, she stands up in a rush. Marching over to the door in her black gown and someone else’s black jacket, she tears open the door and starts barking orders at anyone who will listen.