Page 109 of Mercy

Without another word, he collapses against the mattress, clearly not caring that he landed in his own mess. Spreading out behind him, I rub his back and kiss his shoulder. When he turns toward me, I gently remove his blindfold and pull him into my arms, loving the way the quick pulse in his neck feels against my chest.

His hand slides down my body, reaching between my legs to find me wet and sensitive. “What about you?” he asks, and I smile at the thought of him being so focused on my pleasure.

“I’m good,” I reply, kissing his head. “I came.”

“You did?” he asks, looking up at me.

A chuckle escapes my lips. “Yeah, it surprised me too, but that was so hot, it didn’t take much.”

He groans, burying his face in my neck. Apparently, the thought of me being turned on never fails to have an effect on him.

We stay like that for a while, just breathing in the silence and caressing each other. Finally, I get out of bed and use the sink to wash my hands and gather him some things. I glance back to find him watching me with an adoring expression. With a blush in my cheeks, I carry a cold bottle of water and the prepackaged fruit tray from the small fridge over to the bed, climbing up to sit next to him.

“Do I really need grapes right now?” he says with a scowl as he stares at the plastic container I’m holding in front of him. I can’t help but laugh as I pop one into his mouth.

“Just let me take care of you, please. You know I like this part,” I say as I unscrew the cap to an ice-cold water bottle.

With a smug grin, he lets me pamper him for a while, forcing cheese and fruit while he sips the water. We don’t say much, letting the delicate moment linger for a while. It seems with everything we do, we grow closer. Silently, I drag a warm, wet washcloth across his body, enjoying each inch of his perfect skin.

“So?” I ask, finally.

“So what?” he asks, looking both drunk and in a euphoric daze as he leans against the headboard with his eyes barely open.

“So, how did you feel about that?” I’m dying to know that he’s not ready to run for the hills, but I don’t want to come off as desperate.

“Maggie.” He states my name very clearly as his eyes open. “I just came so hard I think that comforter will have to be trashed. And I’ve never made so much noise during sex before. I think you might have actually fucked me senseless. So how did I feel about that? I’d say pretty fucking good.”

With a laugh, I feed him another grape. “Okay, good.”

“Were you worried?” he asks.

“A little.”


With a shrug, I shake my head.

“Did you think if I didn’t like that then I would…leave you?”

As my gaze travels back up to his face, I bite my lower lip. I guess it was a little crazy, wasn’t it? He simply shakes his head at me.

When he holds out a slice of strawberry, I open my mouth, letting him rest it on my tongue. Then he drags me toward him, planting a kiss on my mouth before nudging me down to lie in his arms.

“You’re crazy,” he whispers against my head. “And I’m not going anywhere.”

With a sigh, I close my eyes as relief swims through me. We’re still us.

Somehow, I drift off without meaning to. I guess I didn’t realize how exhausting this whole thing was for me. But the comfort of his arms and the peace of having him to myself is enough to send me into a deep, restful sleep.

Rule #34: It’s good to see things from another perspective.


My body is wrecked in the best way possible. I’m sore, of course, but it’s like the soreness after her punishment. I wear it like a badge of honor. The pain is well worth it, and I would gladly endure it again.

Staring down at her while she sleeps, I replay the last few hours and then the last few weeks. How the fuck did I get here? I can’t believe I just did that. If you told me two months ago I’d be getting railed byanyone, let alone my dad’s co-worker at Salacious on his wedding day, I’d tell you that you smoked a bad batch.

But it wasn’t really a slow transition to this point, was it? It was more like a deep dive, and I’m clearly the one who jumped. And I gotta say…I’m pretty happy with where I’ve landed. Having the best sex of my life, giving my partner the best sex of hers, all while being a good fucking boyfriend for once. Maggie makes it all so easy, though.