Page 25 of Give Me More

Maybe I’m more drunk than I thought. Because I would never do this. I wouldneverdo this. But I still have the image of her perfect body in my head, and I need her to know that I’m not going to agree to this, but it’s not because she doesn’t turn me on.

Drifting a hand to her lower back, pressing gently against the fabric of the towel, I pull her closer until the aching stiffness in my pants is wedged between us, so she canfeelhow true my words are.

It’s a violation. I know that. But again…it’s Hunter’s fault. He opened Pandora’s box and this relationship between Isabel and me was purely platonic and innocent until he flipped the lock open and unleashed it all, so now we’re swimming in evil, sexual tension and possibility.

She gasps at the feel of my erection against her stomach, leaning in just enough for me to know she’s not cowering in fear.

Then we both pull away. And that’s the end of it. Turning away from each other, we both take a moment to catch our breaths and steady our beating hearts.

With her back to me, she mumbles, “I know you’re afraid of jeopardizing our friendship, but I’m afraid if wedon’tdo this, I’m jeopardizing my marriage.”

“Isabel, you should never feel pressured into doing something—"

“I’m not pressured, Drake. I feel…the same way you do.”

I turn away again. That wasn’t exactly something I needed to know. Now I have to live with that knowledge and I have a feeling it’s going to haunt me for a while.

“But I’m also afraid that my husband wants something I can’t give him.”

“Then, say no,” I argue, finding space between us again as I lean against the counter, fighting the urge to go to her like before.

“That’s not— It’s not important. My point is that it’s just sex. I trust you, and I don’t think Hunter is asking for anything we wouldn’t all benefit from.”

Benefit from? Is she serious? I’m not looking tobenefitfrom anything. I feel like I’m the only sane person in the group right now. And I really can’t believe I’m about to be the only one turning down sex.

“What if it drives him crazy? What if he sees me with you and hates me forever? What if he takes it out on you?”

Her shoulders soften as she gazes up at me. “That won’t happen. You know Hunter as well as I do, and he doesn’t do things on impulse. He’s looked out for me since the day we met and he’s looked after you even longer.”

“I can’t believe you’re considering this. Isabel, think about this.”

“I have, Drake. I know it will change everything between us, but…what if things between us are ready for a change?”

She’s not making any sense. But I don’t have any more time to argue because a moment later, the hotel door opens, and Hunter enters with two big bags of food. He pauses a few steps in, when he sees me standing in the kitchen opposite his wife in nothing but a towel.

Moving slowly, he sets the bags down on the table. “I assume you two were talking…”

“Yes,” she replies.

My jaw clenches as I stare at the floor. I can’t explain my anger, but it’s still boiling inside me.


She lets out a sigh. “And…nothing. We’re just talking.” It actually sounds like she’s on his side. That didn’t take much.

So maybeit isjust me. Maybe these two are so fucking reckless that they’re willing to bet everything on Hunter’s stupid fantasy. Well, I’m not. He’ll see me touch Isabel once, and not like the way I did at the demonstration, but more. Kissing her or something, and he’ll snap. He’ll realize how fucking wrong this is and regret everything.

Then, an idea pops into my head.

“Trial run…tonight,” I blurt out, the half-thought-out plan just slipping through my lips without a second thought.

“What?” she asks.

“At the club tonight, Isabel can go with me. You can watch—no sex,” I add, clearing that up real fast. “But we’ll see how it feels before we commit to anything else. I bet you anything just seeing her on my arm will have you changing your mind.”

“What are you willing to bet that on?” he replies, staring back at me with a smug expression.

“If you keep your cool tonight, and you really still want it, then I’ll agree to it. But if you freak out at all, even a little, it’s off. Forever.”