Page 70 of Black Magic Voodoo

He pulled my body closer as one hand rested possessively on my hip and Kayde’s eyes followed the movement. “I’m always here for you, my sweetness.”

Damian pretended to gag in my head as Kayde smirked. Both were highly amused.

Ryder strode forward and approached Kayde. “Can we talk?” He ticked his head toward the doorway which suddenly opened a path as Gypsy sank into a nearby chair, winking as I caught her wide smile.

I seriously needed a drink of something with a high proof of alcohol.

Kayde and Ryder left as Damianwhooshedout of the door in a blur. Damn vampires with their stealth and speed.

Gabriel pressed a kiss to my cheek. “I’ll meet you out back when you’re ready. I’ve got a few things to finish before we leave.”

I nodded as Gypsy and I were left alone.

“So, you bonded to the ghoul? Tell me you didn’t have to eat any zombies.”

With a shake of my head, I laughed at her expression of horror. “No, babe, it was a lot more amazing than that.”

Chapter 6

Kayde cornered me asI walked into my room from the shower.

“I don’t fancy getting bitten by Thrall, so you’ll excuse me if I leave this little excursion up to the other three. They can protect you.”

What a constant contradiction he was! His odd behavior was annoying and seriously starting to grate on my nerves. Why did he feel the need to come in and say this right before I was about to risk my life again?

“I didn’t give you permission to enter my room.” With a flick of my wrist, I sent him flying backward and out the door where his back hit the opposite wall with a loud crack. “Next time, you need to ask for entry.” I chanted a few quick words under my breath, ensuring I wouldn’t be caught by surprise the next time he wanted to drop in unannounced.

Kayde catapulted himself forward but slammed into the invisible barrier I placed in my doorway. “Cassandra,” he warned.

“From this moment on, you’re unable to enter my room. Any conversation you wish to engage with me can be done downstairs.”

“I think you forgot the rules.” His jaw locked as our gaze held.

“What rules?” I asked, batting my eyelashes.

He looked ready to explode. A single vein pulsed in Kayde’s forehead and I was tempted to laugh, or smile smugly, but I didn’t. This wasn’t a childish impulse. He kept disrespecting me, treating me coldly and rudely, and he needed to learn I wasn’t going to let him get away with his behavior. From the moment we met, he was nasty. There was no excuse to behave so badly and Kayde needed to understand I was finished with his attitude.