Page 94 of Black Magic Voodoo

Damian held me tighter.‘Is there such a thing as normal magic?’

‘My ancestors are normal.’

‘Salem witches? I don’t think that’s considered normal, pet.’

Maybe he was right about that.

“You think it was dark magic.Bloodmagic,” Gabriel added.

“Yes,” Kayde confirmed.

“So, what’s the plan? What do we do?” Gabriel stood, a low growl in his throat. “I’m not waiting around for Cassie to be hurt again.”

“Agreed.” Ryder planted his hands on the table and looked around the room. “We need a plan.”

“We could enter thefade,” I suggested, playing with a loose thread on the hem of my shirt.

Four pairs of eyes landed on me with a swiftness that made my spine tingle. None of them seemed happy.

“No way, angel.”

“That’s suicide, pet.”

“Forget it, sweetheart.”

The only one who didn’t answer yet was Kayde. Our eyes met and he nodded. “It’s the only way to retrieve her essence. If we don’t return the missing part of her soul soon, Cass will begin to show symptoms.”

“Symptoms of what?”


Damn.Out of the frying pan and into the fire. First, the Thrall. Now, a lost portion of my soul.

It was always something. Were all witches as prone to bad luck as I was?

“Which means we’ll all start to decline, too.” Ryder shook his head.

Kayde began to pace, ignoring Gabriel who growled in his direction. “We’re all connected. I understand that her life and health directly affect each of our own.”

“You’re not in theCosan, at least not as far as the ancestors are concerned. Your health isn’t affected the same way we are,” Ryder pointed out, glaring at Kayde. “We’ve discussed this at length. You’re included but until you obligate yourself to the Howe lineage instead of only Cassie, you won’t be as vulnerable as the rest of us.”

“Good point,” Damian added.

“That could be an advantage.” Gabriel stroked his chin, deep in thought. “If we all died, Kayde would still be there to bring Cassie back.”

“We’re getting sidetracked.” Damian leveled Kayde with a cold stare. “Tell us about these symptoms Cassie may experience. The rest is only conjecture right now.”

“Alright,” Kade sighed, frowning as our eyes met. “The thing to remember here,” he continued, “is that with a portion of her soul in thefade, Cass is likely to have more than a few mild symptoms. Decay is only the beginning.”

“What do you mean?” I attempted to get up, but Damian held onto me with a strength I didn’t expect. “Explain, Kayde.” I could sense his frustration.

“You’ll be susceptible to demonic attacks, possession, and your heart could become corrupted.”

The room was so silent you could hear the drip of water from the kitchen faucet as it landed in the stainless-steel sink.

“Then I don’t think there’s much choice,” I finally answered. “We have to enter thefadeand retrieve my stolen essence, no matter how dangerous or risky.”