Page 81 of Black Magic Voodoo

He shook his head, his expression amused. “Nah, I think I’m good.”

At least he didn’t insult me. I wasn’t sure what to make of this friendly version of Kayde. Part of me was waiting for the other shoe to drop. “You’re different than I thought.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t judge people so easily or quickly.”

“Point taken,” I conceded, “but you haven’t made it easy.”

He shrugged. “True, I suppose.”

We both sat quietly for a minute before Kayde nudged me with his shoulder. “Your dad would have been proud of you. Not many witches can take everything a Winchester can dish out.”

I ignored the compliment. At least, I thought it was a compliment. With Kayde I was never certain lately what his motivation was or what his tone was meant to convey. “You knew him?”

“Of course, Gil was one of my closest friends.”

What? I found that hard to believe. Then again, maybe that was why Kayde was here. “How long did you know my dad?”


Really? Why did no one ever tell me anything? “What do you know about his death?”

He cleared his throat, looking away from my penetrating gaze. “Gil Corey’s reputation was beyond reproach. He was the best of men, respected by all, especially within the covens.”

I already knew that part. “You’re avoiding my question,” I pointed out.

“You didn’t let me finish.”

“When someone stops talking it usually means they’re done,” I retorted, folding my arms across my chest.

“Always such a little spitfire. You’re so like him,” he added, gazing off into the trees.

“I don’t remember him as anything but kind and soft spoken.”

“Oh, around his little girl?” Kayde chuckled. “Gil adored you and never raised his voice. The sun rose and set on his precious little Cassandra and I say that without sarcasm. He loved you dearly.”

My heart ached with those words and how much I missed him.

“But when he was away from you and your mother . . .” Kayde’s voice trailed off and he laughed again. “He had a temper, a foul mouth, and little patience for stupidity, annoying humans or immortals, and answered to no one. Only your mother seemed to tame him.”

I couldn’t prevent the grin on my face at the thought. “He was always smiling around me and mother. I can still close my eyes and hear his deep laugh.”

Kayde finally turned, our eyes meeting with a swiftness that caused my breath to suck in and whistle between my front teeth. “So can I.”

There was no stopping the tears that filled my eyes in response. “Kayde,” I whispered with agony. “Tell me how he died.”

“He asked me to keep those details to myself, Cass. There’s no point in hurting you further.”

“I thought you didn’t care.”

“Sometimes that’s better than caring at all.”

With that simple phrase I understood why he pulled away from me. I reminded Kayde of his dead friend and it hurt too much.

“Gil was my best friend and my closest confidant. It’s not right . . . what happened to him or,” he gulped and choked out the next words, “how I feel about his daughter.”

Shocked, I couldn’t speak.

“Isn’t this touching?” Damian stood within the shadows of the trees, his voice dripping with sarcasm as it echoed across the dewy lawn. “Finally admitting how much you want her?”