Page 77 of Black Magic Voodoo

The ghouls were just as deadly as the demonic Thrall, immune to the demons’ touch.

Ryder’s brethren began to spread around us and holler, whooping and stirring up such a loud ruckus that if the Thrall weren’t sure we were here before, they knew now.

Damian and Gabriel laughed, joining in with their own growls, howls, and rumbles of pre-war courage and excitement. I wasn’t sure that any of this was funny, especially once the Thrall actually reached us, but for now I joined in and let out an echoing roar into the air.

“That was pathetic but cute.” Kayde stood next to me, his eyes watching the darkness as all of the noise, rumbling, and galloping seemed to silence in an instant. All was quiet so fast that I gulped loudly, the noise causing my skin to erupt in goosebumps.

A chill was carried in on the breeze as I instinctively moved a step closer to Kayde and sensed each of myCosanreact immediately. We formed a circle – me in the middle with Kayde, Damian and Gabriel on opposite sides, and Ryder and his ghoul brothers completing the protective barrier.

A sudden screeching filled my ears as the Thrall attacked, surging forward in a wave of bony gray.

I shook my head in disappointment as I realized the Thrall who bit me wasn’t here. The demon must be staying away on purpose.

‘Don’t worry. We’ll find him, pet.’

‘I know.’

Thrall bodies slammed into the spirit soldiers as they were knocked about, some falling to the ground as others tried to penetrate the protective barrier. The first wave didn’t make it through myCosan. Damian swiped at the creatures with his claws, sinking his fangs into their flesh and ripping it from the bones with brutal finesse. Gabriel’s teeth were shredding the Thrall and tearing them apart, yanking limbs from the bodies and leaving them writhing on the ground in bits and pieces, blood spurting from the wounds and dripping from his muzzle. His gray fur was mottled with crimson.

Ryder and his brethren were no less brutal.

I thought we were doing well until I felt the sudden presence of the demon I had been searching for since we arrived. The evil creature leaped across the backs of his fellow Thrall and jumped over myCosan. Dropping to the ground only a few feet away, the demon snarled and snapped its massive jaw.

“Come on,” I taunted, “try to bite me again, you nasty vermin.”

It lunged forward with a screech and I spun, catching the knife Kayde tossed in my direction. Slicing outward, I caught the Thrall on its gangly arm and smiled in satisfaction when it howled in pain. Answering screeches could be heard as the other Thrall began to fling their bodies toward Gabriel, Ryder, Damian, and the other ghouls.

“Cass, be smart. This isn’t magic. Fight them ruthlessly but watch your back.”

I nodded to Kayde as we stood back-to-back, facing the Thrall as more pushed their way through. My shoulder and arm chose that moment to throb and ache, the pain so strong and overwhelming that I fought the urge to sink to my knees.

“Cassie, fight!” Damian spoke out loud when he realized I was in danger.

Kayde was wielding dual blades, slicing into any Thrall bodies foolish enough to venture closer. “You have to fight this, Cass. No one can do it but you.”

What did he mean?

My head began to spin as I felt the renewal of attacks on my shields. The rogue witch awaited the moment I was weakened to breach my barriers. Converting all my magic to my shields, I didn’t notice when the Thrall leaped again and landed feet first into my chest. The breath was knocked from my lungs as we hit the ground and the massive jaws of the Thrall snapped, biting down on my shoulder in the same spot as before.

Screaming in agony, I shoved and pushed but the demon wouldn’t release me.



I felt the panic and terror of myCosanflood into my brain as each fought with renewed strength to reach me.

“Banish it, Cass!”

Why didn’t I think of that before? Because magic didn’t work against these creatures!

Chanting and calling the ancestors, I spoke so quickly that I wasn’t sure what spells my frantic mind cast or conjured. All I knew was that one minute I was beginning to fade, certain the end was near, and the next . . .

I was free of the Thrall.

Gazing up into the worried gaze of the witch hunter, I couldn’t form any words. The rogue witch was hammering against my shields relentlessly. My shoulder and arm throbbed as I moaned, my head pounding as my vision blurred.

A brief flash of fear filled Kayde’s eyes. The look tossed everything I thought I knew about him right out the window, metaphorically speaking. I could swear that I heard him say my name with such conviction, such longing and emotion, and a depth of sorrow that proved he cared way more than he ever let on.