Page 74 of Black Magic Voodoo

With the body tightly wound, the snake's head watched me intently. It was an eerie sensation as my skin prickled. The snake's posture wasn’t all, it audibly shook its tail again. The rattling sound was proof the serpent was preparing to strike. There was no warning. The creature moved faster than the blink of an eye, whipping its head forward so quickly there was nothing I could do to prevent or stop its attack.

I screamed as I realized I was about to be bitten.

My arms rose defensively as I heard a primal roar, followed by the voice of the witch hunter as he uttered a single word, spoken as if some ancient chant or ritual.“Muerte.”

The serpent stopped its strike in midair and fell to the ground, writhing and disintegrating before my eyes. The body decayed rapidly before the bones broke into brittle pieces of ivory dust and blew away.

I sank to my knees in relief as my champion dropped in front of me.

“I’ve got you.”

It wasn’t Ryder, Gabe, or Damian’s voice that I heard as I trembled and fell into strong arms. “Kayde,” I choked out, partially shocked at his sudden appearance.

“It’s okay, Cass.” He pulled me into his chest as the tears slipped down my cheeks, exhausted and upset with the knowledge that we hadn’t come far at all. We weren’t any closer to the Thrall nest and only traveled about fifteen minutes before the chaos began.

“No, it’s not.”

He chuckled lightly as his hand rose and swiped across my face, brushing the tears away. “Cease those tears. No fierce witch lets something so trivial ruin their mission.”

I didn’t know what to think of the way he was staring at me or how he seemed to be holding my body close andenjoyingit. “You’re kind of scaring me right now,” I admitted.


I opened my mouth to answer but shut it again, knowing this conversation was hopeless before it began. “It’s not important.” Pushing back, I managed to disconnect our limbs and inhaled a deep shaky breath.


Our eyes met as he leaned in. “I think –”

‘Hey there, pet. Miss me?’


“Oh, angel, you nearly gave this ghoul heart palpitations!”

MyCosan. They were here.

Jumping up, I ran into the guys’ open arms as we hugged, all three embracing me tightly. Even the aloof vampire.

‘Try not to do that again, precious.’

‘Don’t worry. I’m not planning on it.’

A low growl erupted in Gabe’s throat before his lips pressed to mine, squishing us close as his Lycan strength surrounded me in a protective barrier.

“I’m alright. Kayde saved me.”

All three of myCosanturned to the witch hunter with equal looks of surprise and astonishment.

“What?” he asked testily, his shoulders stiff. “I was the only one who could remove the magical barrier and stop the serpent.”

Damian shrugged, not caring in the least what Kayde’s motivation was.

‘Right you are, pet.’

Gabe nodded his approval. “Well done, Kayde.”

Ryder slid his arm around my shoulders and smirked. “She kind of grows on you, doesn’t she?”