Page 48 of Black Magic Voodoo

Emptiness filled the room; the presence of the evil entity also gone, as if nothing had occurred in the last few minutes.

“Damn witches.” A deep male voice grunted with disgust. His tall, muscular body dwarfed the doorway, silhouetted in the frame. The stranger held a crossbow as he sauntered forward, his long chocolate brown trench coat brushing the ground and the top of his boots.

“Excuse me?” I blurted out, blinking. Where did he come from?

The stranger didn’t answer and strode forward, pouring salt on Jadis’ body, dripping a clear liquid over her clothes, and then flipping open a lighter.

After a smirk in my direction, he tossed the lighter onto her body, and it ignited, exploding into flames and brightening the room’s dark interior. Screeches of dismay hovered in the background for a few moments and then were silent.

The strange man laughed. “She won’t be coming back.”

He turned and moved toward the exit with long strides, but I jumped in front of him, too curious to let him leave without answers. “Who are you?”

“Move out of the way,witch. I have to be here, but I don’t have to like it.”

Huh? What the hell was he talking about?

Mr. Attitude pushed me aside. “Don’t pretend that you don’t know,” he growled with a sneer. “Allof you know. It’s how you operate.”

“Know what?” I asked with irritation. What was the matter with this guy?

“You’re no different than any of the others. None of you ever admit the truth. I should have known.”

Known what? “You must be confused.”

He turned suddenly and snarled as I backed up a step. “I’m not confused about who or what you are,little witch. Maybe you’re the one confused, but I doubt it.”

Why was he so hostile? “You don’t have to be a jerk.”

“And I don’t have to like or speak to you either.”

Wow. “Hey, I don’t even know who you are or why you’re here. Just leave.” Hands planted on my hips, I couldn’t help my frustration or resulting insolence. “I don’t need your help.”

He snorted. “You nearly died. Not much of a witch, are you?”

Seriously? He insulted me! “Just go back where you came from,” I ordered, my jaw tight with anger.

“It’s not that simple. I’m here for Gwen to help hunt this rogue witch down. Get that straight.You, I could care less about.”

Shit. He was the one my aunt expected? Why did she invitethisguy? “Well, you’re a total and complete ass, so that’s not a problem. I’m happy to ignore you completely.”

Ryder, Damian, and Gabriel entered the building with curious glances.

“What’s all this yelling about? We could hear you from the cemetery.” Ryder seemed more than a little flustered.

“You could hear them argue in China,” Damian muttered, glaring at the new guy.

“You okay, sweetness?” The concern in Gabriel’s voice was unmistakable.

I nodded at Gabriel and sighed. “Yeah, I just want to go home.”

“No problem, angel,” Ryder responded. “Go ahead with Gabe and Damian. I’ll be along in a minute with Kayde.”

Kayde. That was the jerk’s name.

How did Ryder know him?

Kayde smirked as his arms crossed over his chest. “Tell Gwen I’ll be there soon.”