Page 31 of Black Magic Voodoo

My eyes opened, and I gasped. Gypsy and Aunt Gwen were breathing hard, their gazes locked on mine. We all knew what this meant. Something evil targeted the Howe legacy, but more alarming was the obsession this unknown evil had with me specifically. I could tell this freaked out my aunt.

“We need to contact the ancestors. I’ll not fight this battle without their help. Maybe we can gain some insight from Liz.”

“I hope so,” I whispered, trying not to let the vision overtake me in the present. My fingers gripped my mug as I shivered.

“That was so strange. We’ve never connected like that in a vision before.” Gypsy swallowed hard, clearly confused.

My palm lightly smacked my forehead as I turned to Gypsy. “The Samhain blessing.”

Her eyes widened.

We both understood why everything was different this time.

Third Sight.

The ancestors blessed us on the first night of Samhain. I nearly forgot.

Not only were we given a more transparent and concise vision, but also the ability to use the power of three and jointogether.

This was a powerful connection that not many witches could boast of. Our bloodline made this possible since we were gifted in divination. The original Salem witches weren’t especially strong with this ability. Our ancestors sought and developed our skills until we perfected the gift ofsight.

Aunt Gwen tipped her cup upside down on the table, followed by Gypsy, and then I tipped mine over last. This action ended the vision and prevented any other individual from discerning our secrets. With my Aunt Gwen’s following words, we were bound to one another and this vision, dependent on each other to protect the Howe bloodline.

“As above, so below. As within, so without. As the universe, so the soul.”

With those words so clear and concise, I knew a war was coming.

The veil was torn. A gate had been opened.

Evil was unleashed.

And the wicked presence in Mystic Hallows was only the beginning.

Chapter 9

We couldn’t seek theancestors until this evening. Until then, I wanted to visit the graveyard from the vision Aunt Gwen, Gypsy, and I shared. Rolling Rock Cemetery housed the Salem family crypts, located on the southern end, far beyond the headstones that held the remains of Mystic Hallows residents.