“Kane, stay completely still and calm. It’s a razor blade,” I whispered. Never in my life have I seen another person stiffen with terror so fast.
Kane listened to my directions as I reached inside his mouth and carefully pulled out the blade. He gripped my hand and squeezed tight. “Karter,” he dared to whisper as I nodded.
Karter didn’t hear our conversation, so I had to repeat my instructions as he remained still while I pulled out a similar razor blade from his mouth. Both guys relaxed their shoulders, relieved for a moment, before reaching for my hands simultaneously. The crowd dispersed, but Kane and Karter didn’t move.
“What’s wrong?” I asked as their panic returned.
“Shit, Cassie,” Ryder replied next to my side. “I think the razor blades are back.”
My eyes widened in horror when both brothers nodded slightly.Fuck!
Someone put a curse on the candy.
As calmly as possible, I shared the plan forming in my head. “I’m going to get help. I need my Aunt Gwen and Willow and their circle.”
The twins barely nodded in acknowledgment, but I knew they had heard me.
When I turned to Ryder, he understood immediately. “I need you to bring my Aunt Gwen and Willow here as soon as possible. They should be in my backyard preparing for another Samhain blessing. Go!”
He didn’t hesitate but ran for the door as I felt a familiar presence enter the house. The same dark, evil, and heavily oppressive aura that tried to harm Gypsy and me.
I knew the rogue witch had returned, targeting the Salem families. Only Gypsy, me, and the Bishop brothers were harmed so far, but my gut told me this was a deliberate attack on the thirteen.
Kane and Karter felt the dark witch’s presence, squeezing my hands tighter. Without a second thought, I called to the ancestors for help.
“My uplifted ancestors, fierce protectors, and skilled healers. Please answer my call.”
My eyes closed as the power in the room multiplied tenfold. The ancestors were close. Thick colorful auras danced on the edges of my consciousness and interweaved with my own. The air around us thinned. Time seemed to slow as I felt the rogue witch closing in. They were manipulating the continuum. A rare ability that only a few witches possessed.
In fact, I only knew of two witches that were capable of such magic. My Aunt Gwen was one. The other left for college three years ago. I hadn’t heard from Jadis Pudeator since we graduated high school, but I’d never believe she would commit such an atrocity against her fellow witches.
This didn’t make sense.
“Ancestors, please stand with me. Extend your protection to the Bishop brothers, Kane and Karter. Hear my call.”
Opening my eyes, I peered down at the brothers. Still in pain and bleeding, they hardly breathed. I reached into each mouth and pulled out several more razor blades, amazed their throats weren’t lacerated into ribbons.
I could see cuts, but they weren’t life-threatening. The roof of Kane’s mouth was nothing but mangled flesh. The last blade sliced across one of his tonsils, and blood continuously trickled down his throat. Karter’s mouth had so many tiny cuts that I couldn’t tell where each began or ended. More cuts lined his throat. While serious, a healing spell would help.
“Magic mend and injury end. Let no harm come to the brothers. Bind dark energies and promote healing. So mote it be.” I repeated the words three times and placed my hand on each of their throats. A slight tingle followed by violet light danced along my fingertips, confirming the spell began to work.
Dark laughter echoed from deep inside the house as I pulled my hands away—a test. The rogue witch wanted to know what I could do, how far I’d go, and what spells I’d conjure when faced with danger.
This wouldn’t be the last attack. The sinister presence of the witch faded away but not before a voice whispered in the wind.
A trap. I knew right away, not that it would stop me.
Kane and Karter sat up, testing their voices as they spoke.
“Thank you, Cassie.”
“You’re the best, Cas.”
A glance proved the injuries weren’t becoming worse. No new razor blades appeared.
“I think you’ll both heal now.”