I didn’t need his added commentary.
“Nobody gives a shit about that right now,” Ryder snapped, holding me tighter in his embrace. “Can’t you tell Cassie’s upset?”
I needed the hug and turned in Ryder’s arms, my cheek resting over his heart. Silence. It was odd not to hear the thrum of a heartbeat. He was slightly cool to the touch, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. “It’s okay. Gypsy is right. That’s not what magic is for. We never harm others intentionally, especially other witches.”
“Fuck that,” Damian spat. “Don’t let them get the best of you. Don’t letanyone,Cassie.” His gray eyes hardened, flashing silver, while his face twisted into a frightening snarl. A pulsing shimmer hovered around his body. I thought I had caught a glimpse of something monstrous with massive leathery wings before the image disappeared.
“Dude. Get your shit under control. You’re scaring Cassie.”
“Fuck!” he yelled before moving so fast his body blurred, gone in an instant.
“I seem to have a knack for making people disappear tonight,” I commented dryly when the silence had lasted too long.
“Oh, angel. It’s not you.” Ryder stroked my back as I blinked and rid the tears from my eyes. I’d make it up to Gypsy and talk to Sebastian later. He obviously had more on his mind than he was willing to share in public.
“I think I need another beer.”
Ryder chuckled lightly. “Come on, little Raven. Let’s get you smashed tonight.”
“Sounds perfect,” I agreed, trying not to dwell on my mistakes.
Samhain was undoubtedly starting with a bang.
Chapter 6
“So,” I slurred, wavingthe empty cup in my hand around in the air. “Tell me why you like to eat dead people.”
Ryder’s loud chuckle increased the size of my grin. He was a funny guy. Relaxed. Cute. Plus, he never seemed weird or awkward. Different, maybe. That didn’t bother me.
“Well, angel, it’s my only food source, so I don’t have a choice.”
Hmmm, interesting. “You can’t eat human food in your current form?”
“Nope. It turns my stomach sour.”
Nowthatwas incredibly ironic. Dead flesh was okay, but human food made him retch? “I have no idea what to say to that,” I giggled.