When I arch an eyebrow, she clarifies, “Harlan, my husband, and I. After his parents died, we built this place into something special. A legacy for Ava to inherit. Losing her devastated me.”
I want to say ‘because you loved her or because you’re so obsessed with Arcania you’re desperate for someone to continue your work after you’re gone’, but I don’t. I never expected her to open up like this and I want to keep probing for answers.
“So why didn’t you approach me after Mom’s death? And what would’ve happened if I hadn’t come here?”
She gives a little shake of her head. “You were grieving, and I didn’t want to intrude. I’d planned on giving you time, maybe a month or two, before reaching out. But then you booked here as a guest and I couldn’t believe my luck, that I’d get to know you without the added pressure of you resenting me for appearing in your life at a time you wouldn’t welcome me.”
“That’s a lot of assumptions you’ve made,” I say, unable to quell the bitterness. “I don’t like playing games, and everything you’ve just told me makes me feel like you’re toying with me. Is that what your research offer is about? Making me stick around so you can mess with me some more?”
“Of course not, dear.” She releases her grip on the coffee mug and starts wringing her hands before quickly lowering them beneath the table. “I thought spending one-on-one time together while you research would give us an opportunity to bond before I revealed our connection.”
I want to ask about Spencer and how he fits into all this, but she hasn’t mentioned him and that means she’s unaware we’re in cahoots. I’d prefer to keep it that way, because whatever lines she’s feeding me, I can clarify with him.
“I know this is unorthodox, Lucy. How we’ve met, how you’ve discovered our familial bond. But now that you know, I would like it very much if you stayed on at the end of this week and we spent some more time together.”
She sounds genuine enough, but there’s an avaricious glint in her eyes. She sees me as a replacement for Mom, a pawn she can move at will. Too bad for her I’m brilliant at chess and I refuse to be checkmated.
“I can see you’re not convinced, Lucy, but please give me a chance. I want a do-over with you because I failed Ava so badly. We can help each other. You just have to trust me.” Her gaze is almost maniacal, and I suppress a shiver. “Arcania will be yours one day and if we can work together to find the golden compass, our legacy will live on for generations.”
So that’s her endgame. The compass. And everyone along the way has been a means to an end. She doesn’t care about me. Spencer’s right. Arcania is all she values and she’ll do anything to preserve it.
I want to fling the accusation in her face. I want to call her out for being a callous liar who’ll do anything and say anything for her precious Arcania.
But I don’t.
Because I know what I have to do now.
I must leave and get as far from this toxic place and my twisted grandmother as I can.
Excitement fizzesin my veins as I make my way through the tunnel leading to the chamber. This has been a big day. Lucy knows the truth and rather than absconding as I expected, she’s contemplating my offer to stay at Arcania. It’s more than I deserve, especially when she’d been suspicious about my role in Ava’s death.
But she’d listened to my explanation and accepted it as the truth, so I’m hopeful we have a chance at establishing a genuine relationship. I crave that.
When Ava had flung those accusations at me, how I hadn’t been there for her when she needed me most, they’d hit home. I’d done my best, but my fear of Harlan had tainted our lives and perhaps if I’d made a stand earlier, none of this would’ve happened.
I can’t change the past, but I can do a damn sight better in the future and that’s what I’m hoping to do with Lucy. She reminds me so much of her mother, beyond the way she tilts her head and gnaws on her bottom lip when she’s thinking. She has an innate gentleness about her that calls to me, and I’ll do everything in my power to make up for the mistakes of the past in a do-over with my granddaughter.
As for how Lucy found out about me being with Ava when she died, Spencer must’ve discovered I’d been in Manhattan and made assumptions. I should be angry at him, but I can’t summon the energy. Especially when he’s asked me to meet him down here because he thinks he’s finally discovered a vital clue that will lead to unearthing the compass.
Magnus and Helga, then Harlan, and for the last decade me, have wasted countless hours in search of the artifact that will bring glory to the mansion, put Arcania on the map, and ensure our family legacy for decades to come. While I understand why Ava changed her surname when she fled, I’m hoping Lucy will legally change back to Medville when the time is right. If she comes to love Arcania as much as I do, I’m confident she’ll do it.
That’s what today is about. If the legacy of Arcania can live on through Lucy long after I’ve gone, I’ll do anything to find the compass.
When the tunnel gives way to the small cave, I see the chamber door open.
“In here,” he calls out, and I enter the chamber, suppressing a shiver.
I’ve only been in here once before, when I suspected Harlan might’ve been trapping our missing workers here. It would be the perfect place because when the tide comes in, they’d be swept out to sea without a trace.
Back then I’d found nothing and the mere thought of the ocean entering this chamber is enough to give me goose bumps.