Page 43 of The Retreat

“You two are conspiracy theorists.” Cindy chuckles. “That’s the thing about places like this. You don’t know who your fellow guests are. You meet fleetingly, then never see each other again. But for those few days you’re here, you’re almost closer than family.”

Jase rolls his eyes again. “We’ve barely made it out of our room, babe, so Craig and Demi could’ve been vampires for all we know.”

I stiffen and Jase laughs. “Don’t you think this place could house a vampire or two, Lucy? It’s definitely got a haunted vibe in the original house.” He waves his arm around. “Not here, though. You would’ve thought they would’ve renovated the entire place when they modernized this part.”

“I think it’s charming,” Cindy says, but I notice her rubbing her arms like she’s trying to stave off goosebumps.

“Is your room modern?” I should’ve asked this before, to see if I’m the only one with potential ghosts.

Jase shakes his head. “We’re in the opposite wing to you, and while the bathroom has been renovated, the room is a tad gloomy.”

If I knew them better, I’d ask if anything weird has happened in their room but I’ve potentially scared off one couple, I don’t want to do it again, because the last thing I want is to be left alone here before I’ve checked out.

“Honestly? If I wasn’t with Jase, I’d be a little scared.” A hint of fear lurks in Cindy’s eyes. “The place is nothing like what I expected. I mean, I like the newer areas, like the rec rooms and here, but the original house could feature in a horror film.”

Jase slings an arm across Cindy’s shoulders. “Babe, Lucy is here alone and you’re freaking her out.”

To the contrary, I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets creepy vibes from Arcania’s original mansion.

Cindy grimaces. “Sorry, Lucy.”

“No worries,” I say, but it’s a lie. Because my biggest worry is leaving here without the answers I came for, but I’m in self-preservation mode after last night and the sooner I see Cora to check out, the better.

I stand. “Enjoy your breakfast.”

I hear Jase’s loud whisper, “You scared her off,” but Cindy’s response is muffled as I reach the door and almost run into the woman I want to see.

Has Cora been eavesdropping?

“Good morning, dear. Sleep well?”

Cora’s expression is benign, but I can’t shake the impression that her eyes are hiding a world of secrets.

“Not really, and that’s what I want to talk to you about.”

“Is there something wrong with your room? Because we can change it.”

I shake my head. “That won’t be necessary.”

Her eyebrows rise at my curt tone. “Let’s discuss this in my office.”

It’s a short stroll from the dining room to the main foyer, and Jase is right. The contrast between the back of the property and the original mansion is stark. The gloom is instant as we step into the foyer, like a shroud covering everything, and I suppress a shudder. The dark velvet furniture, the Viking ancestral paintings, the sconces, all accentuate that what happened in my room last night wasn’t a result of sleeplessness, grief or a wild imagination.

Something is wrong with this house, and it’s not happy with me.

If Mom stayed here at some stage, I’m not surprised she fled. But what was so bad that after fleeing here, it made her into a recluse? Unless she already had agoraphobia while living here, though I can’t see anyone wanting to be confined here and never going out.

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you.” Cora opens her office door and gestures me in. “Your questions yesterday got me thinking. I’m considering hiring a ghostwriter to document the history of Arcania, and your interest made me think you’d be the perfect candidate to help research.”

I’m stunned by her offer. It’s the perfect opportunity to discover more about Mom’s ties to this place and gives me a legitimate excuse to poke around.

But I’m uneasy. Why now? She’d blown up at me yesterday for my curiosity. Today she wants me to delve into the history of this place.

Something isn’t right and the hairs on the back of my neck snap to attention when she closes the door.

I don’t like being alone with her.

“That’s an interesting offer,” I say, choosing my words carefully so not to antagonize her. “But I was actually wanting to check out today.”