Page 34 of The Retreat

I want to confide in this couple. They’ve been nothing but lovely since we met. But I don’t trust easily and telling them the truth may result in Cora clamming up completely if they leak why I’m really here.

“I’m fine,” I say. “Though that was seriously freaky.”

Demi and Craig nod in unison. “We only came back because Craig thought he’d left his water bottle behind,” Demi says, shaking her head. “She glared at us earlier when we snuck out for a toilet break halfway through the session, but her annoyance then is nothing on what we just witnessed.” A slight frown mars Demi’s perfectly smooth brow. “It’s strange how a person can present a perfect front until something sets them off.”

“Yeah,” I say, wondering why Cora is so over-protective of Arcania. It’s not like I was asking to renovate the mansion, I just want to know more about the history.

“For someone who perpetuates relaxation and detoxing, how she yelled at you was way out of line.” Craig frowns. “I’ve worked with people like that before and their instability can be toxic.”

“So your friends who’ve stayed here before have mentioned nothing about Cora?”

He shakes his head. “We wouldn’t be here if they had. We came her to de-stress, not to be threatened by some psycho.”

Demi lays a comforting hand on his forearm. “That’s harsh, babe.”

Considering I saw flecks of spittle flying from Cora’s mouth when she yelled at me, I don’t think so.

I’d come here to get answers—and if I’m completely honest, as a distraction from my grief—but nothing about Arcania has helped. I’m seeing things, hearing things, and have now unintentionally invited the wrath of Cora upon myself. It’s too much and I’m momentarily lightheaded.

“Hey, you need to rest.” Demi threads her arm through my left elbow, Craig my right, and they gently lead me from the studio. “If I were you, I’d lie down for a bit, then lodge a formal complaint.”

“Who to? Cora owns this place,” Craig mutters.

I sense rather than see her shooting her husband a look over my head. “It can’t hurt to put it in writing. At the very least, she owes you an apology.”

“And if she doesn’t say sorry, we’ll back you up in your complaint,” Craig says. “The last thing she’d want is for us to leave bad reviews when we leave and finally have access online again.”

“I’ll think about it,” I murmur, relieved when we reach my room. I’m glad for their support because my legs are decidedly wobbly and my head is still spinning a little. “Thanks for walking me back, guys, and for the support. I appreciate it.”

“Anytime.” Demi gives me a quick hug and Craig squeezes my shoulder in silent support. “Rest up. And let us know if you need anything.”

Considering there are no phones in the rooms, I’m not sure how I’ll do that, but it’s the thought that counts.

“We’ll see you later,” Craig says, with a half-wave, and as they stroll down the corridor toward the foyer, I see Cora watching us before she slips out of sight.

Weary to my bones, I insert the key into the lock and turn the knob. But it sticks and I jiggle it, yelping when the skin on my palm burns at the knob’s sudden heat.

I snatch my hand away, biting my lower lip to stop from crying. Not from the unexpected pain but from being overwhelmed by this house and the bizarre happenings.

The skin on my palm is unblemished and when I tentatively touch the knob with a finger, it’s cool to my touch. I quickly open the door and all but stumble into my room before slamming the door shut behind me.

The curtains have been drawn so the room is shrouded in darkness and as my eyes adjust to the gloom, I freeze.

Someone is sitting in the chair by the window.




“You have to trust me, Cora.”Spencer hauls me into his arms and hugs me tight. “I’ll take care of this.”

I struggle out of his embrace, icy fear trickling through me at what Spencer may do to protect Ava and me. Even the calmest man can be pushed to his limits, and I dare not contemplate how far Spencer will go for me. He’s devoted and if pushed to the edge… but he’s nothing like my sadistic husband and I must keep the faith.

“What do you mean, you’ll take care of this?”

“It’s not what you’re thinking.” Disappointment downturns his mouth that even for a second I’d think badly of him. “I would never pressure Ava into terminating.”