No surprise that working with Spencer is my favorite. He’s cute and charming and makes the most onerous task fun, like cleaning the frames of countless paintings. I’m not one to let my guard down, but he’s so nice I look forward to seeing him every day.
Until Harlan returns.
I haven’t seen him since that first night he brought me to Arcania. Spencer said he was at an organic produce conference, and his parents joined him the next day following my interview. Weird, to be employed yet not feel like I’m on a trial period being watched. Then again, I don’t really know Spencer and Daphne well, so maybe they’re watching me and will report back to Helga and Magnus.
It’s a dreary morning and I’m taking a break, about to stroll along the boardwalk bordering the swamp with Spencer, when Harlan pulls up alongside us. I sense Spencer stiffen beside me and I can’t understand the death glare Harlan shoots him.
“What are you two doing?”
When the usually garrulous Spencer doesn’t answer, I say, “We’re going for a walk to clear our heads of the fumes from polishing the banisters all morning.”
Harlan’s eyes narrow, and I’m not sure whether my answer or the fact I’m taking a walk with Spencer displeases him. He almost appears jealous, which is crazy, considering we barely know each other.
Sensing Harlan’s displeasure, Spencer says, “I’ll see if Daphne needs a hand,” before scuttling away.
I’m so shocked by the change in the cocky guy I’ve got to know over the last two weeks that I stare after him until Harlan clears his throat.
“Don’t waste your time crushing on him. He toys with all the new girls.”
Stunned by his presumptuousness, I’m about to tell him where he can stick his unsolicited advice, when he grimaces and flashes me a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I’m not good with… uh… girls I like.”
Shock number two in as many minutes. Why would a guy who’s a virtual stranger confess to liking me?
When I say nothing, he shakes his head, kills the engine, and gets out of his car. He’s wearing navy chinos, a white polo, and a designer sports jacket that looks tailor made. It’s crazy that a guy who can’t be much older than me is so well put together while can barely snag my hair in a ponytail and splash water on my face most mornings.
He screws up his nose. “I’ve made a real mess of this, haven’t I?”
The intensity of his stare disarms me and I blurt, “I’m confused.”
He takes a step closer, and I get a flashback to the night he brought me here, when his proximity gave me the shivers—in a good way. “I know this is crazy because we hardly know each other, but I felt a connection when we first met and I want to explore that.”
He doesn’t break eye contact and he sounds genuine, but for all I know, he does this with all the new girls, just as he’s accused Spencer of doing.
“What do you mean?”
“Go out with me.”
“On a date?” I make a scoffing sound that comes out an embarrassing snort. “Yeah, like your parents will be impressed with the hired help dating their mega-rich son.”
“My parents like you.”
“After interviewing me for five seconds?” I roll my eyes. “Look, I enjoy working here and I’m grateful you brought me to Arcania, but I’m not that desperate for work that you think you can mess with me.”
His frown reappears. “It’s not like that.”
“Really? Because from where I’m standing, it’s exactly like that.”
A tiny vein pulses near his right temple, but his posture remains relaxed, like he’s sure I’ll give in eventually. I don’t like smugness. “Give me a chance.”
“To do what?”
He opens his mouth to respond, before closing it again and looking over my shoulder at the swamp. An awkward silence stretches between us and I’m on the verge of turning away and starting my walk, when he says, “I need you to trust me.”
I don’t trust anyone, least of all some rich dude who picked me up at a roadside cafe and appears too good to be true.
But I give a wary nod and for now it’s enough as his eyes lose the anguish, like he’s been hanging on my answer.
“Have you had a chance to see the orchards yet?”