I make a dash for the bathroom before whipping off that dome to find a generous wedge of vegetable quiche and a side salad. I salivate as I shovel food into my mouth, the freshness of the ingredients and the liberal use of herbs making my tastebuds dance. I have never eaten anything like this before and if this is the quality of food I can look forward to if I work here, sign me up now.
After I demolish my brunch and take a quick shower, it’s almost midday and I’m embarrassed to be meeting Harlan’s parents so late in the day. I’m sure they expect their workers to be tending the orchard at the crack of dawn and me sleeping in like this won’t look good.
Then again, this first meeting will be as much about me sizing them up, too. I don’t know these people. Their son picked me up at a roadside cafe. I’m not so gullible that I’ll stay if I get a bad vibe.
But I’m also not stupid. I’m desperate for work. I need to save money to gain true independence and I expected to have to job search longer. To have one land in my lap… it’s a godsend. I can’t afford to screw this up because I have major trust issues.
Wearing my cleanest jeans and best top, a floating floral chiffon with a handkerchief hem in the palest of blues, I head down the corridor leading to the foyer. The place appears more welcoming in daylight, less gothic-oppressive, though those creepy Viking paintings with eyes that seem to follow me haven’t changed.
As I step into the elaborate foyer, a guy appears out of nowhere and I jump, my annoyed glare fading as I get a good look at him.
If Harlan is handsome, this guy is gorgeous. He has serious bad boy vibes going on, from his dark chocolate curls, hazel eyes and stubble to his high cheekbones and square jaw. He exudes restrained energy. His eyes glow with it and as his lips ease into a lazy smile, I’m speechless.
“Sorry for spooking you,” he says, his deep voice as impressive as the rest of him. “Spencer Hadley.”
I remember Harlan mentioning a Spencer yesterday, the employee who runs the household. He seems awfully young to hold such a responsible position.
Spencer holds out his hand, and I stare at it like an idiot before my brain switches into gear. As our hands meet, a tiny zap shoots up my arm and I resist the urge to pull back. If he feels it too, he doesn’t show it, his gaze holding mine in some weird hypnotic thing I can’t look away from.
When he releases my hand, I’m cold and crave his touch again. What the hell is happening to me? I’m pragmatic, not romantic, but in the last twenty-four hours I’ve practically swooned over two different guys.
“You came into my room this morning,” I say, brash and abrasive, folding my arms across my chest. “That’s not cool.”
“I know, but Helga insisted I leave you something to eat.” He shrugs, like his intrusion means little. “Personally, I would’ve left the tray outside your door and slid the note under it, but she was adamant and as you’ll soon see when you meet her, she’s a hard woman to say no to.”
“Maybe try harder next time,” I mutter, and he laughs at my drollness.
“How did you sleep?”
I want to say ‘none of your business’ but if I get a job here we’ll be co-workers so it’s better to be polite. Besides, part of my prickliness stems from my body’s irrational response to his hotness and that’s not his fault.
“Good, considering I slept for sixteen hours straight.”
“You must’ve needed it.” He fixes me with a probing stare, like he’s trying to see right through me. “Where are you from?”
I could lie but what’s the point? It’s not like I’ll be sent back there. That’s why I waited until I was eighteen to escape. From now on, I’m the boss of me.
“Nice. So what brings you to the Outer Banks?”
He’s doing that weird stare thing again, and it feels like I’m bathed in a warm glow.
“Opportunity,” I say, when it’s blind luck.
After buying several tickets to various states and changing buses, I ended up in Nag’s Head by pure chance and, thrust into the path of Harlan Medville. I’m not sure whether to be thanking fate yet, but for the first time in a long time, I slept without fear. Maybe that’s why I slumbered so long? Not just exhaustion but peace, knowing some creep wouldn’t be trying to enter my room.
“You’ve come to the right place,” he says. “The Medvilles are great to work for.”
“How long have you worked here?”
“Two years.”
“Harlan said you manage the house. Why not work outside?”
“Because I’ve got a brain for figures and they liked what I did with a few wholesalers they deal with, juggling the numbers and improving their profit margins.”
“I thought Harlan was the economic whiz?”