“I still don’t get why you didn’t just tell me. I mean you can’t have thought I’d be pissed off because you slept with someone fifteen years before we met,” I say.

Tyler laughs softly.

“No, I didn’t think that,” he confirms. He is serious again when he goes on. “I wanted to tell you, really, I did. But I kept thinking about how much you hate the idea of having kids and I didn’t want to lose you, but I didn’t want Daisy to not be a part of my life either. I somehow thought I could keep you both this way I guess.”

Again, I have a ton of questions, but I decide to start with the obvious one.

“I don’t understand why you think I am so against the idea of having children,” I say. “I love children. I thought you would have seen that by the way I was with Mia.”

“Oh yeah, I wasn’t implying you weren’t great with Mia, but that doesn’t mean you want kids of your own does it,” he asks.

“Well, no not necessarily I guess, but I still don’t understand how you came to the conclusion that I don’t want children,” I say.

“Remember your pregnancy scare?” Tyler says. I nod my head. It’s not really something I could forget. “Well, that’s what made me think you didn’t want kids. You were so nervous waiting for the result and then when you saw you weren’t pregnant, you were so relieved. I went along with not wanting kids because if I have you that’s all that really matters to me.”

“First it wasn’t because I didn’t ever want kids,” I say. “I was nervous because we were still so new together and at that stage, a baby changes everything. I was afraid if I was pregnant, I would lose you because as much as I love you, I couldn’t have given up my child. I was also equally afraid that we would stay together only because of the baby and nothing else. I thought you didn’t want kids either.”

He smirks at me. “You just said you love me. In the present tense. Does that mean there’s still a chance for us?” Tyler says.

I nod my head.

“Yes, of course there is. But no more sneaking around and lying. I can’t be in a relationship with something that thinks they need to lie to me,” I say. “And if you can forgive me for jumping to the wrong conclusion.”

“Agreed no more lies. I am sorry for being sneaky and not just telling you the truth. It seems so stupid now. But why did you assume that Daisy was someone I was cheating on you with?” Tyler asks. “I mean fair enough after I lied about seeing her. But if you just saw me with her, what made you assume the worst of me?”

“I didn’t want to think the worst of you,” I say. I decide to just tell him everything. If we are to have any future together, I need to be honest with him as well. I see that now. “After you left the barbecue, everyone got kind of drunk, and Penny ended up telling me that you cheated on your ex-wife. Now that threw me a bit, I’ll be honest, but I decided that we all have a past, and I wasn’t going to judge you on past mistakes. It kept bugging me though and I ended up asking Angela if there was any truth to it. She said it was true, but she was quick to point out that you’d learned your lesson and it didn’t mean that you would cheat on me too. I knew she was right, and I told myself to let it go.

“I really meant to do that too, but then you were acting weird, like you were hiding something from me, and Penny isn’t the only person who warned me you like to get around. I decided to put my mind at rest and call Malcolm and find out if you were really there that Saturday. Don’t worry, I covered myself. I said you’d lost some keys and I was just checking if you’d lost them there and when he said you hadn’t been there, I said I must have made a mistake and I made a joke about pebbles being involved and me associating Malcolm with pebbles. He wasn’t suspicious.

“I knew though that I needed more proof before I confronted you or you would lie your way out of it, so I didn’t say anything about it. I was starting to think I was crazy to even suspect such a thing until today when it was so obvious you didn’t want me to come to town with you and then even after you relented, you blew me off once we got there. I decided to follow you and see for myself what was going on. So, knowing all of that can you see why I thought you were sleeping with Daisy?”

“I guess so,” Tyler says. “But I have to be honest with you Summer. I don’t like how you just believed such terrible stuff about me. And I don’t really like how you were sneaking around behind my back trying to catch me.”

“I know,” I say. “I’m sorry. I was just so paranoid.”

“That day in my office when you had my cell phone. You were going through it weren’t you?” Tyler says.

“Actually, no,” I reply. “I really was telling you the truth that it vibrated towards the edge of the desk, and I thought it was going to fall and smash.”

“Would you have been tempted to look at the message if I hadn’t come in when I did?” he challenges me.

I think for a moment and then I shrug one shoulder.

“I don’t know,” I say. “I want to say no of course not, but honestly, I don’t think anyone can know for sure what they’d do in that situation until they are in it.”

“Fair enough,” Tyler says. “Well, I guess it’s time I told you the truth about what happened with Chloe and me.”

I shake my head.

“You don’t have to do that,” I say. “Honestly. I believe that you’re not cheating on me and that’s all that matters. The past is the past and if you cheated on Chloe, that’s none of my business.”

“But I didn’t cheat on Chloe,” he says. “She cheated on me. I have found it so difficult to trust anyone since we got divorced because of that and then the first time I do, you accuse me of cheating on you. You have no idea how much that hurts me, Summer. I would never cheat on anyone because I know just how shitty it feels to be the one being cheated on.”

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t…” I start.

Tyler shakes his head.

“It’s ok. I’m not saying it to make you feel bad or apologize. I just want you to understand that no matter what happens, I would never, ever cheat on you,” he says. He goes quiet for a minute and then he looks up at me. “Do you believe me? About Chloe?”