If I ever see this bitch, I don’t know whether I will be angry with her or whether I will just feel sorry for her. I mean imagine being desperate enough that you can’t get your own man and have to have the scraps of someone else’s. I bet he’s texting her now saying that he can’t get away after all. Well good. I hope she’s crying.

I quickly get out of my sweatpants and hoody. I pull on a pair of panties and a bra and then I look in my closet. I don’t want to wear anything too over the top just to go to the mall, but I also want to remind Tyler that I can scrub up ok and show him what he has.

I settle on a pair of three-quarter length tight jeans that I know show my ass off to perfection and a bright yellow tank top that makes my skin look tanned. I pull them on and nod to myself in the mirror. I quickly spray under my arms with deodorant and then I brush my hair, deciding to leave it down. I spritz myself with perfume and put a slick of lipstick on, then I go back to my wardrobe.

I really want to wear heels to make my legs look longer but I know I won’t cope walking around the mall in heels, but I definitely don’t want sneakers, so I compromise with a pair of flat sandals that have a little sunflower on them that matches my top. Ready to go, I go back into the living room.

“Ready,” I say.

Tyler stands up and turns around to look at me and he smiles.

“You look gorgeous,” he says.

“Oh, stop it,” I say.

“No, you do,” he says.

He comes to me and kisses me hard on the mouth, his hands cupping my face and I kiss him back and I can’t help but question myself again. Would he be so attentive to me all of the time if he was seeing someone else? Would he really be this unable to keep his hands off me? I don’t know and the constant questioning is getting too much for me. I shake it off and decide to just enjoy the moment. I pull back from the kiss and smile at Tyler.

“If you keep doing that, we’ll never get into town,” I say with a smile.

He makes a frustrated moaning sound as he releases me. I smile to myself as I pick up my purse. I go to the coffee table and pick my cell phone up and put it in the purse. I go to the door and take the key out and open the door and put it in the other side. Tyler steps out and I follow him. I close the door, lock it, and drop my keys into my purse which I then sling over my shoulder. Tyler takes my hand as we walk down the hallway and then down the stairs to the lobby.

“We’ll take my car,” he says.

I nod my head and let him lead me to his car. We get in and he drives us to the mall. We find a parking spot surprisingly easy for a Saturday morning.

“Should we grab some lunch first?” I say as we get out of the car and my stomach rumbles.

“Sure,” Tyler says, looking at his watch.

“Since when did we eat by the clock?” I say laughing. “I thought we ate when we were hungry, slept when we were tired.”

“And fucked when we were horny,” Tyler says quietly.

I laugh and shake my head.

“We’d never stop,” I say.

“That’s true,” he agrees. “And no, I’m not eating by my watch, I just happened to want to know what time it is.”

We go to McDonalds for lunch where I get a McChicken sandwich with fries and a Diet Coke and Tyler gets a Big Mac meal with Fanta Orange. It was quiet when we first came in, but as we sit and eat, more and more people start coming in and I’m glad we beat the lunch time rush.

We chat about this and that as we eat, nothing particularly ground-breaking, although we do have a moment where we have a good laugh. A woman comes in with a tiny white poodle. The server tells her that animals aren’t allowed and asks her to leave. She starts shouting and causing a scene, demanding a manager. The server goes into the back and returns with a woman.

The woman with the dog looks at the new woman and says she can’t possibly be the manager because she’s too young. After a bit of back and forth, she finally accepts that the woman is indeed the manager. The manager reiterates what the server told her, and the woman goes ape shit, saying that the dog is her service animal because she is blind. The manager is incredulous at this and points out that one, she could see how old the manager looked and two, the dog isn’t on the ground, it’s in her handbag and therefore not much use as a seeing eye dog. Realizing she is beat, the woman screeches and storms back out of the building, pausing to pull a handful of straws from the dispenser and throwing them on the ground.

“Well, that sure showed me,” the manager says under her breath as she bends down and picks them up and drops them in the garbage.

“I bet she wishes she could put that awful woman in the garbage,” I say, and Tyler nods his head in agreement. “I just don’t get people like that, you know. It’s bad enough when a toddler throws a tantrum because they can’t have their own way, but when a grown woman does it it’s just vile.”

We finish up our meal and Tyler goes to the garbage can with our trash. He comes back and we leave the restaurant.

“Where should we go first then?” I ask.

Tyler glances at his watch again and then he looks quickly at me and then away.

“Actually, I thought we might as well each go our separate ways and do what we need to do then meet back at the car in say an hour and half? Will that give you long enough to do what you need to do?” he says.