We finish the last bits of our drinks and then I pick the tray back up from underneath our table and load it up with our trash. I take it to the trash can and empty it off and then put it on the return stack, then I head back to the table. Tyler smiles and holds his hand out to me as I reach him. I slip my hand into his and we head towards the exit of the building.

I love that even after three weeks together, none of the spark has faded between us even a tiny bit. We still always want to be touching each other, whether that’s holding hands or having our arms around each other snuggled up on Tyler’s couch or mine. And the sex. Oh my God, the sex. If anything, it’s only gotten better, something I would have said was impossible after the first few times. I swear I have never felt anything like the way I feel with Tyler. I don’t know if it’s because we have a deeper connection than anything I’ve had with past boyfriends or if he’s just so much better in bed than anyone else I’ve ever slept with but whatever it is, I’m certainly not complaining.

I’ve even managed to do what Rebecca advised and compartmentalize everything. So, at work, Tyler is just my employer, not my boyfriend. Out of work I can touch him when I want to, kiss him, caress him and ride him. But in work, I can’t do any of those things and sometimes it’s hard not to, like when we’re working late and nearly everyone has gone and we could just lean up against one of our office doors and get on with it and no one would ever know. In a way though, holding back when all I want is to be with Tyler makes it even better when I can be with him and touch him. And now I’ve gotten used to keeping my work and my personal life separate, I don’t find being with Tyler distracts me from my work, and it certainly doesn’t mean I’m neglecting work and finishing early or anything like that. If anything, I’ve probably worked later more often than usual while I’m waiting for Tyler to finish.

We reach the exit and leave the building, crossing the parking lot and head for Tyler’s car.

“What do you feel like doing now?” he asks me.

“I don’t mind,” I say. “I’d be happy not to do anything, just go back to your place and chill.”

We both know what that’s code for and Tyler grins at me and starts the engine of his car and pulls away. He leaves the parking lot, joining the slew of traffic. I know we’re not going to get anywhere fast, and I lean forward and turn the radio on. I’m humming along to a song until it ends and the DJ starts talking. I’m not really listening to him, but one word catches my attention: magic.

“We could start that Harry Potter marathon you promised me,” I say.

“Sounds good to me,” Tyler says. “If you’re a good girl, I might even make you some popcorn.”

“Is that so,” I say. “If you’re a good boy, I might let you slither-in side of me.”

I burst out laughing at the look of disgust Tyler gives me. He starts laughing when I do.

“Do you have to?” he says.

“What? Don’t you want me to see your wand?” I ask.

“Oh my God Summer, stop it. You’re ruining Harry Potter for me,” Tyler laughs.

I burst out laughing again. I can’t help it. Even though Tyler is laughing, he looks so serious at the same time.

“Right,” he says after we stop laughing. “Have you got that out of your system?” I nod my head. “Anymore?”

“No, I’m done,” I say. “Oh. Wait. I have another one. If you make me popcorn, I might just let you see my chamber of secrets. I swear that’s it now.”

We are both laughing again, and it feels nice to just laugh and have fun together.

“Definitely done?” Tyler asks with a raised eyebrow.

“I think so. There’s definitely something I could say about a basilisk, but I can’t quite decide what yet,” I say.

“Oh God help me,” Tyler says.

We’re pulling up outside of Tyler’s house when it comes to me. We get out of the car, and I blurt it out.

“I’ve got it. If you show me your basilisk, I will be your dumble-whore,” I say.

Too late, I see the couple walking past. They turn and look at me in surprise and I feel myself blushing but then they are past us. Tyler and I grab each other’s hand, both laughing like crazy, and we make our way to his front door. We are still laughing when we get there, tears streaming down our faces. Tyler gets his keys out and unlocks the door and we step inside. He leads me to the living room, and I sit down.

“I’ll go and grab the DVDs,” he says.

He isn’t gone long, and he reappears with a boxset in his hand and goes about switching on the TV and the DVD player and loading the first disc. As we wait for the movie to start, he laughs, and I look at him.

“What’s funny?” I ask.

“The fact you used the word dumble-whore and more so, the fact that two complete strangers heard you using it,” he says.

“That wasn’t part of the plan,” I admit. “I was just happy to have thought of it and I blurted it out without looking around.”

“Ah well, it sure must have brightened up their Sunday afternoon. I bet they laughed as soon as they were out of sight,” Tyler says.