“What’s wrong with my logic?” she demands after a few seconds.

“Well,” I say. “If you think it’s distracting now when you can touch me whenever you want to, kiss me whenever you want to, fuck me whenever you want to…”

I pause, watching with amusement as Summer’s eyes glaze over the way they always do when she’s turned on. She swallows hard and I go on.

“Imagine how much more distracting it’s going to be knowing I’m just down the hallway from you and that you can’t do any of those things,” I finish.

I laugh softly again when I see Summer’s expression change. It’s clear she hadn’t considered that, and I must admit I’m enjoying watching her squirm. It will be hard for me too, knowing she’s so close but not being able to touch her, but it will be harder for her because she’ll know that it’s her own dumb fault.

“I…” Summer starts and then she stops and shakes her head.

“I’ll make you a deal,” I say. “When you change your mind – and yes, that’s when, not if – and you come to me wanting me, I won’t say I told you so.”

“How do you know I’ll change my mind?” Summer asks, frowning again.

“Because I can see it in your eyes,” I say. “So, I’ll be waiting. But this time, it has to come from you.”

“You think I’m just going to give in, don’t you? That I want you so badly I won’t be able to resist you,” she says.

I nod my head and smirk at her, watching her squirm in her seat. I know what that smirk does to her and I’m not afraid to use it.

“Well then you’re in for a long wait,” Summer says. “I can control myself quite easily, thank you very much.”

I’m laughing again as I stand up and gather up the trash from our lunch and take it to the nearest trash can.

“Whatever you say,” I say with a grin when she joins me, and we head back towards the office.

We reach the office building and get into the elevator. I can feel the sparks flying between us as we stand there, alone in the tiny box. I can almost taste the sexual tension in the air. I bite the inside of my lip to keep from smiling. I give Summer three months tops before she breaks and comes for me.



Iput down my fork after finishing the last bite of my cheese and ham pasta salad. Rebecca is still eating her chicken and bacon sandwich. She watches me as she chews.

“Ok, out with it,” she says after she swallows.

“Out with what?” I ask.

“Oh, come on Summer, it’s obvious something is bothering you,” she says.

“What do you mean, something other than the presentation I have to give after lunch?” I ask. “You know I hate doing presentations.”

“Yeah, I do know that. But you’re not usually so quiet. You normally babble on when you’re nervous,” she says.

“I don’t babble on,” I interrupt her. “I share my thoughts and ideas.”

“Whatever,” Rebecca says. “This is different. It’s him, isn’t it?”

It’s been almost a month since I told Tyler that nothing can happen between us. I’m pleasantly shocked with myself that I’ve lasted this long without crossing a line. It’s been hard. Damned hard. Especially with us working so closely together. Every day it’s been a struggle to bury my attraction to him, but I have managed it. Or at least I have managed to not let it influence me. A couple of days in, I was having a particularly hard time resisting Tyler and I called Rebecca and asked her to go out for a drink. She obliged and I ended up telling her everything.

I nod my head sheepishly.

“The presentation is the last part of us working together. If the client likes the design, and I see no reason why they won’t as it’s been approved every step of the way, then that will be it. I mean obviously we’ll still work in the same building, and we might see each other around, but it won’t be the same,” I admit.

Rebecca puts the last piece of her sandwich into her mouth and chews it slowly then she takes a long drink of her Sprite.

“I still don’t get it,” she says.