It was stupid to fantasize about her. I needed to completely stop thinking about her. There was no future there. She was a good girl and all I ever want ever again is bad girls. Fuck em and leave em, kind of girls.

I got home and went outside to chop firewood in an effort to get her out of my mind. Bad decision. I kept visualizing her in those jeans that molded her body just right.


I finished chopping wood for the day and headed back to the house. I usually worked four days a week from Monday to Thursday and I looked forward to the three days of downtime. Heading straight up to my bedroom for a shower. It was a big house. I could still remember the first time my family saw the house.

They couldn’t believe it was for one person, especially my mother. She kept walking into every room musing at the size of it. At the end of it, she had commented she couldn’t live in a house this big. She lived alone with Cassie, my youngest sister, and she already thought that my old childhood home was too big for them.

As I stepped into the shower an image of Savannah popped into my head. It was so long since a woman did that. And just like that Amanda rushed into my being.

My chest constricted as the familiar pain spread from a core point to the rest of my chest. It was true what they said, the pain of grief faded over time but it never went away. It has been five years now since I lost her and it still hurt deeply. With a sigh, I stood under the hot rivulets of water and allowed my mind to empty. Experience had taught me to push the sadness away before it invaded my mind and took root.

Slowly, slowly, I turned my mind to other things, until I was once again a functioning human being. No one would be able to tell the difference.

I got out of the shower and was picking out clean clothes to wear from my walk-in closet, when the doorbell rang. I frowned, wondering who it could be. Grocery delivery was the day after tomorrow. Probably someone else who had lost their way.

I wrapped the towel around my middle and went downstairs. I opened the door and Savannah stood there, looking like a Christmas gift that had been delivered early. She held a cake box in her hands. Her eyes moved down to my bare chest, then below to my lower region and to my shock, my cock visibly jerked.

That had never fucking happened before. Her eyes widened as she raised them up to my face.

“Hello,” I said as calmly as I could, as though my erection was not causing a tent in front of my towel.

“Hi.” Her eyes dropped to my cock again.

I suppressed a grin. Her discomfort and obvious reaction was fun to watch. She roused herself and held out the cake. “I brought this for you as a measure of my apology. I’m sorry for pouring coffee all over you and ruining your obviously expensive jacket.”

The only thing I remembered about that incident was how hot she looked. I shrugged. “Thanks for the cake but it's completely unnecessary. I have more jackets than I need.”

“I made it myself,” she put in hopefully, a small glint of pride coming into her eyes.

I raised my eyebrows.

“It will make me feel better if you take it,” she said, almost pleading.

I nodded and put my hand out, ready take it without touching her skin, but instead of letting go, she held onto the box.

“Do you want me to take it to the kitchen for you?” she asked, staring pointedly at my naked chest.

I’d forgotten I was nearly naked. “Sure thanks. I’ll go get dressed, then we can have some together.”

As she made her way to the kitchen, I sprinted up the stairs. I whistled as I dressed. It surprised me how happy I was to have some company. But not just any company. Her company as I actually preferred spending hours upon hours alone.

I dressed in record time, grabbing some jogging pants and a t-shirt. Back downstairs, I found that Savannah had found the coffee maker and was making us some.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I didn’t want cake without something to wash it down with.”

“Not at all. Would you like me to hang that up for you?” I nodded towards her jacket.

She smiled and unzipped her jacket. “Okay. Since it looks like I’ve more or less invited myself in.”

My eyes were glued on her chest when she took off the jacket. She was wearing skin tight jeans like the other day and a low-cut spaghetti strap top that was showing a whole lot of cleavage. She had full, perfect breasts and her skin was like cream, smooth and silky. She looked good enough to eat and I could feel the familiar stirring in my cock for her.

I distracted myself by fetching mugs and side plates for the cake.

“Where can I get a knife?” Savannah asked.

I directed her to the right drawer, while staring at her shapely ass. I’d never seen a woman so perfectly made for my hands and mouth.