Page 8 of Separate Lives

His jaw tensed. Yanking his down coat from the back of a chair, he put it on, opened the front door, grabbed his backpack, and left Jess’s cabin without a backward glance.

Frowning, Jess fixed her gaze on the closed door until exhaustion claimed her, and she slid back to sleep.

* * *

When she next woke up,Jess became immediately aware of somebody else’s presence near her. Cold air was touching the oversensitive skin of her arms and legs provoking goose bumps. Shivering, she patted the bed around her, searching for the duvet, but couldn’t find it. Then she opened the eyes. Somebody -Reece!– was touching her. As her gaze traveled down her body to where his dark head was bent between her thighs, she saw he’d removed not only the duvet, but also her panties, raising her legs upward, and flexing her knees wide apart. His warm hand was pulling at something between the tender folds of her sleepy femininity.

Startled, Jess instinctively tried to close her thighs. “What are you doing?” she squealed.

“Lie still,” Reece commanded, putting a restraining arm between her raised knees. “Yesterday, you started your period. Four hours have passed since the last time I inserted a new tampon inside you, and the instructions on the box say it’s time to change it,” he said matter-of-factly.

Her face became fiery red, and she unconsciously increased the pressure in her legs, trying to close them.

“I’m almost done. Now relax, otherwise you’ll hurt yourself,” Reece patiently instructed.

Easy for him to say. He wasn’t the one with his legs spread open, exposed to shame, with his former lover fumbling with a tampon between them.

“Jess, came on,” he tried to coax when she increased the pressure in her legs a little more. “I’ve done it before. Your period started more than twelve hours ago. I know what I’m doing. Besides, I’ve done more embarrassing things between your legs than just this. My mouth has already known you there many times, and so have my eyes and fingers.”

She hated him. In that moment, she purely and simply hated him. Hated his insensitivity. Hated that her womanly condition subjected her body to a monthly flow she could control only by taking a pill, and hated his self-assured attitude. How could she make him understand it wasn’t the same? That this time she wasn’t a willing participant in the throes of passion? That he was her ex-husband now, and she considered her period a very private matter? He was too damn persistent in his obtuseness to listen to her.

“Weren’t you gone? I thought I heard you say you were leaving.”

“Don’t try to change the subject, Jess. A period is a natural body function. You shouldn’t be ashamed of it.”

“But I am, because this is such a private thing.”

“Not after half a day of me performing the task for you.”

“I was unconscious then, but now I’m awake andIcan take care of it.”

“I almost got it out. If you move, you’ll risk soiling the sheets, which will get dirty anyway if I don’t quickly change your tampon.”

“Don’t you dare touch me again,” she spat with renewed vigor, snapping her legs closed. Making an effort, she rolled onto her side, and tried to leave the futon. When her feet touched the floor, the room tilted at an odd angle. Their eyes locked.

“Help me to the bathroom, please.”

“I can take–”

“No!” she shouted, crimson.

Reece considered her state, and circling her waist, helped Jess to the bathroom. Trembling, she leaned heavily against the sink. Reece left her there, disappeared for a few seconds, then came back holding a box of Tampax Regular.

“You might need these.” His tone was harsh. Then turned and stalked out, leaving the door opened.

Jess banged it shut behind his retreating back, and took care of herself.

By tending to her needs, Reece hadn’t been trying to make her feel inferior or degrade her like she clearly believed. He simply wanted to show Jess that she could trust him. It hurt that she always thought the worst of him, and every attempt he made to show her his worth was met with failure. It was frustrating.

Once done, Jess opened the bathroom door and found Reece standing right outside, ready to assist her. Cautiously, they made their way towards the futon. While she’d been in the bathroom, he’d changed the sheets. They smelled fresh from the laundry.

With his assistance, she laid down on the bed again. Her T-shirt slipped up partially baring her middle. Hungry eyes feasted on her, captivated by the sight of the feminine patch of dark curls shielding what Reece knew to be soft, sensitive, pink skin. Memories of the immeasurable pleasure he’d discovered deeply buried between those feminine folds flashed through his mind in strikingly precise details. It became increasingly hard for him to keep his lust under control. It had been definitively easier to tend to her needs with the same detachment of a doctor when Jess had been unconscious.

Without realizing it, Reece slowly sat down on the futon. Instinct guided him. Raising a finger, he reverently touched the soft mound around her pulsing core. His eyes became transfixed by the light contractions that rippled across her skin each time he stroked her at the core of what made her indisputably woman.

Jess tried her best to remain unaffected by his touch, but it was impossible to ignore the quivers of sheer pleasure rippling through her body, when his impish finger followed the contours of her sex, teasing her lips without slipping between them. Then he brushed the pink bud of sensitive flesh where all her nerve endings resided.

A moan escaped her slightly parted lips shifting his attention to her face. Reece almost groaned too. Her eyes were closed, her head pushed back against the pillow, and her neck drew an elegant arch. His eyes traveled down her length. Bliss was reshaping her body. The irregular rise and fall of her perky breasts against the T-shirt, the hollow of her taut belly, the restless grinding of her hips against the sheets made her look more erotic than any drawing Klimt might have ever produced. It was through a sheer act of restraint that Reece managed to contain his need to cover her, to bury himself deep inside her.