Page 4 of Separate Lives

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Curseall the bleeding snowstorms of the world. Curse the arctic temperatures. Curse the day he had impulsively married Jessica Wright. Curse the woman for the havoc she’d wrecked into his life since the day she’d stepped into it. And curse him himself, the fool, because he’d yet to regret his hurried decision.

Stuck at the Fairbanks International Airport for God-only-knew how long, waiting for the raging snowstorm outside to subside, Reece raked both hands over his face and cursed his ill fate. The city was barely a part of the civilized world, but modern technologies had transformed the old Alaskan wilderness from a bunch of log cabins built along the Chena River, into a modern, lively city. Unfortunately, no modern technology could override its weather. That was still wild and untamable.

It was the second time in three days that adverse weather conditions had bogged down his attempts to reach Jess. It had already happened in Anchorage less than seven hours ago. A previous whiteout had forced him, and about seventy other passengers to camp in the airport check-in area for two whole days. One could only imagine what that meant. People took out their frustrations for being earth-bound on hapless airport assistants, who were doing all they could to make everybody as comfortable as possible, handing out the few blankets and pillows they had in stock for emergencies such as this. Kids, bored stiff by the forced confines of the check-in area, that offered none of the entertainment they were used to having at home, did everything in their power to be real pains in the neck, adding more strain to the already strained patience of their parents.

This many people sharing such a limited space, also meant hygienic conditions were poor, if nonexistent. Reece felt dirty even after he managed to wash parts of himself in the sink of the public toilet, while a few others took turns using the one shower the airport personnel made available to anyone. In all this mayhem, no one could rest properly, and what food the airlines supplied them with was a farfetched cry from gourmet, so people were uncharacteristically hungry for their mother’s chicken soup while they cursed the forced inactivity, and the utter impotence against the weather outside. No, sir, all in all, Reece didn’t look forward to repeating the experience.

Leaving his seat, he swore under his breath. All this was happening because Jess had the brilliant idea to hole up in Alaska in the middle of February. Who in their right mind would want to do that? Only someone mentally unstable, like his estranged wife. Who else would willingly come up here for a vacation this time of the year?

Facing the long, panoramic window of Fairbanks International, Reece raked an impatient hand though his raven black hair. Bottomless black eyes fixed on the soil covered with several layers of fine snow, the merciless wind was whirling around, wondering how long he’d still have to wait before the damn whiteout would let up.

Hands in the pockets of his down-filled coat, his fingers brushed the official papers that, once signed, would definitively end his marriage to Jess. Again, he recalled her words, cursing the woman. She’d talked about freedom, called him an ass and had gone on and on raving about her crushed feelings. Tsè, and what abouthisfeelings? He had some too, you know. What about his bruised ego? What about his judging capabilities? With her tirade, she’d questioned those too. And what about the fact that he was mad at himself, because after all, he’d really fancied the idea of having Jessica Wright as his wife. What hot-blooded guy wouldn’t love to have a very sensual, adventurous wild-cat in his bed every night? His jaw tensed with resolve. After all the hassles she’d put him through, Reece was now more determined than ever to make their meeting worthwhile, even if he had to brave the snowstorm outside by walking through it.

* * *

The wind was drivingher insane. It banged persistently against the front door like a hammer, and Jess wished it would stop, because her headache wasn’t improving one bit with all that noise. It banged. And it banged –banged against her temples, banged against her eyelids. Bang…Bang…

Desperate to make it stop, Jess collected all the strength she could muster. “Go away,” she weakly croaked, and was taken aback when the wind answered with an angry undertone. “Not a chance in hell. Let me in, Jess.”

The wind knew her name. How bizarre. But she wasn’t going to admit it inside her cozy, warm cabin and freeze. Why should she?

Apparently though, the wind had plans of its own. “Open this damn door.”


“Jess, I’m freezing my butt off out here. Let me in. I don’t want to tear down your door or we’ll both freeze to death, but I’m starting to lose my patience. Open up or I’ll break in, and damn the consequences.”

Luckily for her, the wind didn’t possess hands, so it couldn’t try the handle and find the door was open. But as it turned out, she’d underestimated this particular wind.

“For God’s sake woman,” he barked before turning the handle, crossing the threshold, and banging the door shut behind him.

That wasn’t the wind at all. It was her ex-husband!

“So, here’s where you’ve been hiding. I was right.”

“What are you doing here?” she squeaked, looking at him with eyes wide open, her slack jaw forming an astounded ‘O’.

“I came to see how you’re doing,” was his sarcastic response.

“You’ve seen me, now you can go back to Chicago.”

“Not so fast,” Reece said, moving towards her.

She was slouched on the raw-cotton futon which was currently closed, like a sofa. Her head rested at an odd angle against its back.

“What do you want then?”

“Get what you owe me.”

Worry crossed her features, but confusion was there too. “I owe you nothing, so get lost.”

“You sure?” Reece asked, placing both hands on the hips, drilling his eyes into hers.

No, she wasn’t. “Listen, I don’t know what you’re talking about, so please stop questioning me, state your business, and leave me alone.”

“Is this the way to speak to your husband?”