Page 16 of Separate Lives

Goosebumps pricked her skin, and her heart pounded forcefully against her ribcage at the words ‘You’re my world, my heart, my soul’.

Reece felt the song just as intensely. Though another man was holding his ex-wife in his arms, his stare was more powerful and meaningful than any physical touch, and Jess ceased to think of Rob as a person. He became no more important to her than a walking stick on which she leaned for support.

The song went on for at least another minute before the last notes dissolved into thin air. A couple walked in front of her, momentarily hiding Reece from her sight, and only then was Jess able to pull herself together and look at Rob with a shaky smile.

“Do you mind if we go?”

In response, Rob dropped a feather-light kiss on her lips and placed a hand on the small of her back, guiding Jess down the stairs and back to the ninety-fifth floor, oblivious to what had just passed between her and Reece. Physically drained, she didn’t give her ex-husband a second glance. The crook with his presence had ruined her evening, and what Rob had called their song. There was no way now that after such a compelling moment, Jess could push thoughts of Reece out of her mind. Just like she didn’t need to look behind her to know his eagle eyes were carefully recording her every move, even if from a distance.

The urgency to leave from all that, to get rid of Reece’s disturbing presence, to sort out her feelings, and attempt to put her relationship with Rob back on the right perspective, spurred Jess’s next words, and once again, she lied to him.

“I don’t feel well. Would you mind taking me back home?”

“What’s the matter?” he asked, concerned.

“My stomach is queasy. Maybe I ate too much food and I’m not used to it,” she smiled apologetically, complimenting herself for the award-winning interpretation.

“No, of course I don’t mind taking you home. I understand how you might feel, gourmet food can do funny things to your stomach.” Laying a peck kiss on her nose he guided her towards the coat room.

“If you don’t mind, Robert,” Reece’s baritone voice boomed from behind them, surprising Rob and Jess before either could move, “Iwill take Ms. Wright home.”

What? Wasn’t he working? What about his client? Jess dared a quick look around, trying to ascertain if he was with someone. She detected no one who could presently be his charge.

“Where is your client?” She was confused.

“Upstairs. He told me he wanted to remain here for a while, and discharged my services for the evening.”

Her heart sank. Reece registered her reaction, and smiled boastfully.

“I don’t see why you’d want to do that, Mr…?” Rob demanded, overcoming the initial surprise.


“Mr. Hilton, I'm more than capable of escorting my fiancée back at home.”

Jess looked sharply at him.Fiancée? Since when?

“Besides, we’re in the middle of a private celebration, and you’ll be the proverbial fifth wheel,” Rob challenged, not liking the large man’s possessive attitude towards Jess. What was his business with her anyway? Rob still remembered this guy’s brief exchange with Jess about the Vivaldi concert at her friends’ party, though at the time, he’d quickly relegated the episode at the back of his mind, believing Jess and this stranger were mere acquaintances. Clearly, he’d been wrong. Rob made a mental note to question her on the nature of their relationship as soon as they reached her apartment. Hilton clearly believed he could lay some claim on his woman, whereas Jess obviously was weary of him. Why?

“Jess, do you want to tell him, or should I?” Reece inquired.

Her face drained of all color. Tell himwhat? Not about their hasty wedding and nasty divorce, she hoped. The stony eyes that bored down into hers gleamed with pure malice. He was determined to make a scene, and embarrass her in front of a roomful of strangers if she didn’t submit to his will. During dinner, the restaurant had gradually filled up with customers, who had already enjoyed an impromptu show by her while walking towards the exit, and they certainly didn’t need another one –or at least the wives and female companions of the men there, could be spared an encore. If stares could kill, she’d be already lying inside a casket, Jess thought remembering the poisoned onceover some of the women had shot at her when she walked past their tables.

Clenching her teeth, she mutinously looked at Reece. A surge of hatred and cold anger made her rebellious. Once again, the arrogant swine was forcing his will upon hers, leaving Jess no other choice but to abide.

“Iwill do the explaining, if you don’t mind,” she began, focusing her attention on Rob. Taking a gamble she went on. “Mr. Hilton and I have already met several times at the Jenkins’, since he and Johnny –LeeHanne’s husband, are friends and business partners.”

Turning, she looked Reece straight in the eyes, sustaining his intimidating, contemptuous stare. “It’s very kind of you, Reece, to volunteer to drive me home, but it’s really not necessary. Like Rob told you, we’re in the middle of a celebration, and want to spend some time alone –I’m sure you understand our need.”

“Good night, Mr. Hilton,” Rob dismissed him, taking Jess by an elbow, guiding her towards the coat room.

In all answer, Reece paraded himself in front of them, blocking their path.

“Not so fast, buddy. I need to talk to Ms. Wright, and I mean to do it before the night is over.”

“This is not the time, nor the place,” Jess interjected. “Now please, let us by.”

He didn’t budge.