Page 23 of Separate Lives

Jess’s eyes snapped up to meet his, ready to dress Reece down before realizing he’d not called Robert by a nickname contemptuously like he’d done last night, but simply because he was genuinely curious to know about her jewelry.

“The pins come from The Edge. The bracelet is a gift from my parents.”

Another pensive pause fell over them. Both sipped some more beer, and left the bottles on the coffee table.

Why was Reece so well behaved? Jess wondered. Maybe her disheveled aspect and puffy eyes were the deterrent she’d always needed to quench his unquenchable lust. Before opening the door, she’d only enlivened her clothes and hair, and in the dark, had not checked if her eyes were still swollen and rimmed with red from the crying binge she’d indulged before falling asleep on the bed cover.

“What else do you want, Reece?” she wished to know.

“I just wanted to return your things and apologize for my uncouth behavior last night.”

“You didn’t come here with sex on your mind?” Jess couldn’t help but ask.


“It would be a first.”

“Do you not believe me capable of restraining myself around you?” he inquired, straightening his back, a hint of irritation tinting his voice.


“God, Jess!” he exploded, springing off of the sofa to stand in front of her. “You would tire the patience of a saint.”

“And we know you’re far from being one.”

Irritated, but attempting to restrain his temper, Reece raked his hands over his face.

Jess, still sitting down, could see he was mentally counting to ten. Strangely, she didn’t fear his wrath. It was too exciting knowing she’d ruffled him. So far, she’d been the one confused and frustrated, and his calm attitude had repeatedly grated on her nerves. But now, she had her emotions under control, and he was the flustered one. For the first time in days, she was feeling good and wanted it to last.

“Listen, I came here with the best of intentions, but you’re making it deliberately hard for me to be civil.”

“Well then, Mr. Hilton, I accept your apology. Now that you’ve returned my belongings,” Jess said rising from her side of the sofa, “all I’m missing are the spare keys to my apartment. I’d like them back before you go, if you don’t mind.”

He was tempted to withhold them, but rummaged in the pockets of his jeans, took them out, and handed them to her.

“Thank you. Now if you’re through, I’d like to go back to sleep. I had a rather busy day at work and I’m tired. Goodnight.” That said, she moved towards the front door to open it for him, but Reece was quick to stop her grabbing her wrist, bringing Jess to a jarring halt before she could walk away from him.

“Why did you cry yourself to sleep?” he demanded concerned, searching her eyes.

“None of your damn business,” Jess rebuked haughtily, raising her chin a notch. She was not about to explain herself to him.

“Over me?” he insisted.

“You wish. Sorry to disappoint you, but you’re not worth half of my tears,” she spat, wanting to hurt him. Truth to be told, he’d been part of the cause, but she’d be damned if she was going to tell him that. The arrogant swine didn’t need further ammunition to harm her more than he already had.

“Was it the lover-boy you cried over?”

Jess tried to tug her wrist free. Reece let her go, and Jess put some safe distance between them.

“His name is Robert.”

“Answer me. Have you told him the truth about us? Does he know we were married?” he pressed with the determination of a pit bull.

“Like I already told you, it’s none of your business. Now please, leave my apartment.”

His face lit up. “He guessed it, didn’t he? He guessed something important had gone on between us. That we are more than mere acquaintances,” Reece went on unperturbed walking towards her.

Jess said nothing.