Page 144 of Suck It Up

"Oh my god! Is that real?"

"Yeah." I clear my throat. "It's his grandmother's. Well, was. She passed it on to him to give to me. I already had the necklace—he must have brought it for the party," I ramble.

"He's giving you hisgrandmother'sjewelry?" Willow screams. "Is there something you're not telling me? Are you guys engaged?"

I try to laugh, but my throat's too dry. "Hardly. He's just very rich. I bet his grandmother has a lot of jewelry. She probably got tired of these."

"No one would get tired of that. It’s gorgeous!”

She's not wrong.

My heart galloping in my chest, I retrieve my phone.

Me: I love it. I adore it. Thank you.

Camden: You can thank me in the car. Seven o'clock.


I thank him in the car with my mouth before we reach the fancy hotel where his acquaintance is getting hitched. Rhys and Roman ride with us on the bucket seat at the back of the limo, but they've never minded watching.

The wedding dinner's a fancy affair, and if no one had told me, I would have assumed we were attending a red-carpet event, given the fact that there's a literal red carpet and a small army of paparazzi in front of the venue.

As we walk to the entrance, I'm surprised to hear my name called out by one of the reporters.

Camden catches it too, and looks sharply at the man, who wisely opts to gulp and say nothing.

"They know who I am." I'm stunned. I'm no one at all.

Camden wraps his arm around my waist and smirks. "It's only natural they'd researchmywoman."

Arrogant prick. "Yours, huh?"


"Obviously," Rhys chimes in.

"Everyone knows it but you, Morgan," Roman assures me.

"Why are you ganging up on me?" I pout, specifically looking at Rhys, who's usually on my side.

"Just calling it like it is." He shrugs. "Now where's the bar?"

We've reached the reception.

The wedding was this morning, and I think Camden attended, but it was close friends and family only.

"Who' got hitched again?"

"Nate's father."

I crease my brow, trying to place Nate.

"Nathaniel Carmichael. His dad owns an international, corporate farming company. He went to study in England this year."

I think I remember him from Erica's wedding, but I've never met or heard of the father. We don't navigate the same circles. Ordidn't,because here I am, smack in the middle of theirs.

"He's a good friend of yours?" I ask, following the guys to the closest open bar.