Page 119 of Suck It Up

"I'm a prospective member. They take care of me, and I take care of them."

It seems sordid to me, though objectively, it's not unlike my deal with Camden. The main caveat is that I have an agreement with one guy, not a club made of dozens of them. Given that Camden likes to share, it’s not much of a difference.

“Don’t look at me like that,” Skylar says, rolling her eyes. “I don’t feel sorry for myself. I can say no, you know. I don’t because it’s fun to me.”

That actually surprises me. “Youcansay no?”

She shrugs. “Too many noes, and I might notstaya petal, but no one is forcing me.”

Somehow, that simple fact chases away most of my unease. Her deal is still as obscene as they come, but if it’s entirely her choice, it’s no one else’s business. Certainly not mine.

I wonder where I stand on the no. I haven’t so much as asked, or considered that I could go against Camden’s orders that first Friday.

“What about protection?” I blurt out.

I distinctly remember that Camden fucked her without a condom, and if I’m honest, that didn’t only infuriate me, it scared me. If he’s that careless with everyone, I could seriously catch a STD because of him.

“All of us petals are on birth control, and all members—prospective or otherwise—get tested monthly,” Skylar states. “If we have sex with anyone outside of the Heritage, we have to disclose it, to make sure to use protection until our next tests. We take our health seriously.”

I bob my head, reassured for my sake as much as hers.

"I have class. Let me know if you need anything, all right?"

"Thanks, Skylar.” After a moment, I add, “You too. If you need something, you can also ask me."

I owe her for all her assistance my first week here, and I was foolish to cut her out last week because a guy pitted us against each other. Besides, I’m feeling much better now. My ribs are almost completely healed. I can help her out, too.

"I will!"

* * *

The walk from the dorm to Camden's takes the better part of forty minutes. I wonder if I can find my old bike atBellerive Park. Maybe Lola's brothers kept it around. Otherwise, I'll have to buy a new one soon. I don’t want to have to walk all the way on foot each time His Highness, king of assholes, summons me to his domain.

I arrive in front of his house ten minutes ahead of schedule.At the door, I hesitate, unable to bring myself to ring the bell, when it swings open in front of the dark-skinned beauty I've seen around Camden all week.

I stiffen. "Hi. Erm—is Camden here?"

"Is Camden here?" the woman parrots, rolling her eyes.“What’s it to you, trailer trash?”

I recoil as much as if she’d slapped me.

She’s not the first to insult me because of where I used to live, but it hasn’t happened in ages. Not since Camden last spewedtrailer princessat me. I suppose I’m no longer used to it.

“What, you thought you could let Cam dress you up and you’d look like anything other than what you are?” Her brown eyes sweep over me from head to toe and she snorts. “Please.”

"Kimberly," Camden calls, an edge to his voice.He appears moments later, drenched and half naked.

Though he’s talking, the beauty keeps her glare fixed at me.

“Get out, and don’t come back unless you’re invited.”

Kimberly. So that’s her name.

"Why you bother with her, I'll never know!" are her parting words when she storms out of the house.

Camden ignores her, holding the door open wide in front of me.

I watch the woman as she slides into an Audi R8 and drives away.