Page 100 of Suck It Up

"Camden, this must be priceless."

"I wouldn't know," I lie. This piece, and the rest of the parure it belongs with, were appraised a couple of years back. "I didn't pay for it. It's Valentina's. Well, it was."

When my grandmother took me aside to give me the parure earlier, she only confirmed what I knew: she realizes Morgan's going to be my wife, and I'd need the ring soon.

It's not the most impressive piece in the Hunt collection, but as usual, my grandmother understood the person in front of her completely. The row of diamonds supports a dark square sapphire of a blue almost black, that catches the light in Morgan's eyes. It's a simple statement. It's the size of a baby's fist and worth more than my house on campus, but it's perfect for Morgan and that's the only thing that matters.

I don't fail to catch the way her mouth parts and her eyes brighten."I take it you like it."

"Like it? Camden, it's so fucking gorgeous. I've never worn any, but I didn't even know jewelry could look like this—make mefeellike this.” She shakes her head. "I can't keep it, though."

I ignore the nonsense. "You've never worn jewelry?"

Every girl I know wears some—even her friend Lola who was poor. She wore loop earrings and bangles and cheap, plastic necklaces, but it was still jewelry of a kind.

"Not even a friendship bracelet," she deadpans.

We'll have to change that."There's more," I say. "Earrings, a bracelet, a ring, and a tiara go with the choker."

"A tiara?" She chokes a laugh. "Who wears those?" Before I answer, she adds, "Can I see?"

I wink. "Maybe. If you're good."

She rolls her eyes, and lets me lead her out of Valentina's changing room.

"Seriously, Camden, I can't keep it," she says as we walk to my car, though her hand's still resting on the row of diamonds, like she can't stop touching it. "I don't have a safe to put it in, and I don't have anywhere to wear it. I'll give it back after the gala. I'm sure Valentina wouldn't want some girl to have her family jewelry, anyway."

"You'll keep it in my safe," I reply, solving the issue. "And wear it anywhere you'd like. Grocery shopping, class, tennis."

I drive to the MacArthur and let the valet handle my car before making my way inside the building, ignoring the cameras flashing at us. "Camden, look this way!"

"Camden, is that your girlfriend, or a prop to silence the rumors that you're gay?"

"Camden, is your father in attendance?"

"Camden, is it true your mother is cheating on your father?"

Before we reach the open doors, I lean in to kiss Morgan's neck in a silent statement.

"Gay?" Morgan whispers.

I shrug. "Someone saw me with my cock in a guy's hand a couple of years back. They ran their mouth, but there was no proof. The paps have been hounding me since."

She blink several times. "So youareinto guys?"

I chuckle against her neck. "What do you think?"

She blushes, recalling all the reasons why she knows I'm not gay.

"I never was one for labels. If someone's fuckable, I usually fuck them. Sometimes, they have cocks; more than often, they don't."

She nods as we make our way to Elks Hall. "I read somewhere most people are probably bisexual. The majority just never act on it—or even think about it."

"Are you?" I question. It's only fair, as she asked the same of me.

She shrugs. “I don't know. I've never done anything with any girl. But I also hadn't done anything with any guy before you made me.”

"Anything?" I echo with a laugh. I know I've popped her cherry today—I had to wash off the evidence in my grandmother's bathroom—but she must have fooled around.