Page 83 of Suck It Up

"I'll take this one. The others, you can keep," I tell Alexei. "What's left of them, anyway."

The man starts to walk backward as I advance toward him, but two of the thugs catch his arms.

"You can't let him take Ren!" some guy yells, pushing through the crowd to try to get to me. "There's no telling what the sicko will do."

Three of his friends tackle him. "Touch him and we're alldead, Trip. Not just us. Our families.Everyone."

I grin as I shoot a tranq through Ren's veins. He and I are gonna have a lot of fun. Whatever it says about me, I'm fucking hard at the thought of everything I'm about to do to him.

Maybe Alexei can learn how to send a message in the process.

Once we've stashed my new toy in the trunk of the car, I take my phone and send a quick text to Dimitri.

Me: Owe you one.

I'm still riding the high of an unrestrained display of power—a luxury I can rarely afford—and my dick's twitching. I wish Morgan were here and in a state to play with me.

As she isn't, I do the next best thing, and send her a text.

Me: Dream of me tonight.

She doesn't see it, which hopefully means she's asleep.

She needs to rest and heal, because as soon as she's better? Her sweet ass is mine.


The Girl Friday


“So, did you? Dream of me.”

I roll my eyes as I get into the car, although I did. Part of me wonders what he’d say if I admit it. If I tell him I’ve dreamt of him every night for months.

Andmanynights before that.

I glance at him as he starts the car. Camden’s humming, merrily playing a tune against the steering wheel.In fact, he's been cheerful all morning. "You're in a good mood."

"I am." He flashes me a wicked grin. "I just got a new toy to play with."

Something in my chest contracts, for some reason. "How many toys do you plan on playing with?" I grimace. "I hope you test for STDs."

"Monthly," he assures me. "You will too. And it's not that kind of toy. Now, where to? Your friends, or Thorn Falls?"

I hesitate. I don't really have a place in Thorn Falls—not yet. Camden said I could have a dorm room, but I doubt that's already arranged. Classes don't even start before next week. I'm sure he'd let me crash at his house if I asked, but tomorrow's soon enough for that. Besides, I'd like to see my roommates’ place, and get to say goodbye to everyone.

"My friends, please."

"Figured you'd say so."

* * *

Their new place is a dream. For one, it's a detached house, with a luxuriant garden and a freaking pool, rather than a tiny, thin-walled walk-up apartment on the fourth floor of a shitty building without security.

Too bad I'm not going to live here.

"I can't believe this house, Morgan!" Toni gushes. "You're sure you don't want to stay with us?"