Page 72 of Suck It Up

I work until four, and when I come back from picking up my bag at the back, Camden's waiting for me.

"If you think I'm going to accept another ride from you, think again." I can't afford to disappear for another day, especially with that bank appointment in thirty minutes.“And stop bugging Trent. He already asked me if we used to date.”

He tilts his head, smirking smugly. “Did you tell him you just blew my cock and my friends’ after I made you come on my tongue?”

“Camden!” I look around, panicked, but the few people walking past us don’t seem to pay any attention to him. I growl at him all the same. “Seriously, why can’t you leave me alone?”

“Because you’re too much fun.” He told me he loved winding me up just yesterday.

I wish I had the restraint to hide how much he gets to me. He’d get bored then.

“Fine,” he relents, to my surprise. At least, before he adds, “Give me your panties and I’ll stop winding him up.”

“You’re joking.” He must be joking, because he can’t possibly think I’d hand him my underwear.

“About panties? Never.” I start to walk away, and he follows. “Come on, Morgan. Don’t pretend you’re a prude. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind walking around pantiless. It’ll excite you.”

“I’m wearing a skirt!” I hiss, pointing out the obvious.

Not that I’d comply if I was wearing anything else.

“Then they should be easy to remove.” His tone is matter-of-fact, like he’s making a perfectly reasonable request. “Go on, what’s the worst that could happen? Mr. Boring might accidentally touch your cunt?”

“Don’t call him that. Trent isnotboring.” I try to think of an example to illustrate that my boyfriend can be fun, and come up blank.

“Stop pretending you enjoy dating him and I will.”

“He’s nice, kind, smart, and he likes me.” Why am I justifying myself to him? “He respects me.”

“Yes to all.” Camden bobs his head in agreement. “Only, princess, you don’t like being respected in the bedroom. I’ll give you a thousand dollars right now if you can tell me he made you come, even once.”

“It’snoneof your business.” He’d win that bet, simply because Trent and I haven’t even tried to move past third base.

“That’s what I thought.”

“Not everything is about sex,” I retort.

“Some things should be.” I’m about to tell him to fuck all the way off, preferably back to Thorn Falls, but he changes the subject. "How are your feet?"

"Better. The shoes and your aunt's ointment helped." I don't thank him again. "And don’t think I’m done with you. Youhaveto stop pushing Trent."

"The moment you stop dating him, I'm done with the wet blanket."

I don't tell him I already plan on dropping him, because he'd make it about him, taking it as a victory, and it isn't.

I resist the urge to engage him in further conversation as we walk side by side.

It should be uncomfortable, but somehow, it isn't. That guy yesterday reminded me what true alarm feels like. Camden…sure, he's capable of hurting me, and he definitely wouldn't see any problem with manipulating me to his advantage, but for what it's worth, he doesn't actually scare me. If I were his enemy, he would. I don't know what he's capable of. Actually, that's wrong. I know he's capable of anything. He had Willow kidnapped, and would have put her in harm's way if I'd pushed him. Coercion, blackmail, rape, murder. I am not sure any of those are beyond his abilities.

What scares me the most about him is my reaction to him. Despite knowing what kind of man he is now, I'm as drawn to him as I always was.

But "Damian?" He's another beast. He hurts people on the daily and if he ever felt any remorse, it's long gone, washed away by months, years of violence.

"That's me," I say, pointing to the building.

Camden takes in my destination. "Most people stick to online banking these days."

"Yeah, well, I'm not most people. Thanks for the walk. Bye."