Page 138 of Suck It Up

That’s more like him.

“What’s in it for me?” I ask mockingly.

He’s already giving me anything I could possibly desire and more.

“Other than my charming company and bragging rights for being my first date? I don’t know, what do you want?”

I pretend to think it through. Pretend, because I have no intention of getting into another bargain with him. If I let him, he’s going to consume every part of me. Then what?

“I’ll let you know once I think of something worth enduring a date with you.”

His eyes shine with amusement, and something else too. “You’re definitely paying for that on Friday.”

Maybe, but for now I’m holding on to the victory. “So how does that baby run?” I ask.

Camden is a good sport, introducing me to the machine like a car salesman. The red Porsche isa thing of beauty inside and out. The leather upholstery smells clean and new, and all mine. The car literally has an option to drive itself, and so many cameras at every angle even I can probably parallel park without hitting the nearby cars.

“Thank you,” I repeat, meaning it wholeheartedly this time.

The man has no notion of the value of money. So what? He’s showering me with the very best money can buy because he thinks I’m worth it.It’s…sweet. His version of it, anyway.

Spontaneously, I step into Camden’s personal space and wrap my arms around his middle.

I don’t have much; that’s what I can do to show him I’m grateful. I’m not naturally a tactile person so I’m surprised by the instinct.

At first Camden does nothing at all, and I feel awkward as hell, but when I move to step back, he brings his arms around me and squeezes.

Oh, wow. He’s quite good at the whole hugging thing, even if he is a novice.

I’m glad he’s firmly keeping me in place, because I don’t want to move. It’s a dangerous road, letting him in like this. More than anything we’ve done so far, this is intimate, and soothing, and warm.

Holy shit, I’m in trouble.


I let her drive us to the airport. It goes against all my instincts, but she seems so damn excited, I give in. Besides, she was a good sport about traveling in one of Dimitri’s private jets, not even complaining once. She’s learning to let me take care of things—of her. Slowly but surely, I’m making progress every day.

I’ve never considered myself a patient man, but there’s something rewarding in unravelling the heart of a woman who has every reason to distrust and even hate me. She’s still on the fence, but that’s who she is. If Prince Charming turned up tomorrow, she’d make him jump through hoops too.

And the asshole better stay away, because I’d beat his ass if he came sniffing around my woman.

Morgan’s not a terrible driver, though she lacks experience—some of her starts and stops are a little bumpy. Still, I’m tense all the way until we finally get to our destination.

“Will the car be safe here?” she asks, looking around the almost empty parking lot.

Dimitri prefers to store his plane in smaller, easily defendable airports.

I shrug. “Probably. But it’s insured.”

She cuts the power and gets out, heaving a sigh. “Not if someonestealsit.”

Isn’t she cute? “If someone steals it—and we can’t identify them using the many cameras around this place”—I point to the closest surveillance equipment I spot, mere yards away—“I’ll get you a new car.”

Her mouth falls open in a soundless gasp. She didn’t even consider the possibility. I don’t suppose she’s easily replaced anything in her old life. She has a hard time to accept that it’s just that—her past. She has access to everything I can offer now—and my wallet is one of the perks, though I think that out of the two, she prefers my cock.

“Seriously, what are you going to do when you run out of money?” She wrinkles her nose. “I know you have a lot, but spending as you are isn’t sustainable.”

She’s so cute. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lead her to the hangar. “Looking at my overall profit and spending, I netted over three hundred grand last month, princess. This month isn’t looking too bad either.”