Page 112 of Suck It Up

"For one, you know about it." I could have been talking about any number of cousins. She named Kim.

My mother is an expert at playing games. I should know. She taught me all the rules.

I was twelve when she started what she called my "training." She sat me down and told me that men in my position were, more often than not, prey to gold diggers, especially in our youth.

"I'll see that my son doesn't fall for that crap. Your father would be useless at teaching you anything about the nature of women. After all, he marriedme."

She was true to her word. She'd start to cry right in front of me some days, making my heart contract in my chest. "What is it, Mom?” I’d ask, back when I was much sweeter and more gullible. “What can I do to make you feel better?"

Then she'd laugh her ass off. "Gotcha! Never fall for fake tears, Camden. You have to learn to spot the difference."

By the time my dick started to twitch, I knew everything women did to get male attention, from the lash flutters to the hair games and the legs folding and unfolding.Which is how I know Morgan isn't playing. No one ever bothered to teach her the rules. Everything about her is completely genuine, her fear, her desire, her hatred, her shame. I can't get enough of it.

"Well, it's hardly my fault if the girl has a thing for you," my mother reasons.

Back to Kim, the girl my mother decided would make a perfect daughter-in-law.

"She was supposed to go to Harvard," I grunt.

"So were you."

I sigh.

I get why my mother is pushing this union. Kim's inheritance rivals mine. In another world, we’d be one hell of a power couple. No matter the advantages, I simply don't want to marry my cousin, dammit. If she weren't after my cock, maybe we could have made arrangements for a platonic relationship for the sake of our mutual fortunes—that was before Morgan, anyway. I would have ended the farce after meeting a woman I genuinely want.

I never thought I was capable of caring for one woman. I believed Addison cured me of that ailment, like she did for my father, with all her mind games. It came out of nowhere, knocking me on my ass, and all of a sudden, all I could think of was Morgan. If I just wanted her body, I’d call it lust and work her out of my system, but I need to know her thoughts, her feelings, the inner working of her mind. I am obsessed.

"Who told you about my girlfriend?Annette?" I ask.

"Annette knows?" Addison sighs. "That girl needs to be more loyal to her big sister."

"Who?" I push.

"Page Six. When the heir to a billionaire, who usually flies solo, takes a nobody to a gala, word gets out. I poked around. Seriously, Camden? She lives in a trailer."

"I have enough money to marry for reasons other than to expand the family wealth, Mother."

"You're not going to marry her."

I run my hand through my hair. "I am. I'm telling you now so you have time to get used to the idea. Dad knows. Valentina knows—and approves," I add, in case she's looking for allies.

She won't find any in our dysfunctional clan. Her own mother is a hopeless romantic. After her disastrous marriage to my father, my paternal family knows better than to get involved.

"But Kimberly's so gorgeous—not to mention advantageous when it comes to publicity. Interracial marriages are all the rage, ever since that prince got hitched to the actress."

My mother is giving me a headache, as usual."Careful, Mother. I've always been nice to Kim. Keep encouraging this, and I'll have to be cruel to her."

Addison pauses. She knows me too well not to take the threat seriously."You wouldn't. She's one of us."

"So is Morgan, given the fact that I chose her," I reason, knowing there's a chance I'm wasting my time.

My mother can be stubborn, underhanded, and manipulative. Just like me. I'll have to watch out for her.

I make my way out of my room, finding the house in the same state ofdisarray as it was last night.I didn't want to deal with it then and risk killing the nice buzz I had going. Now, I follow the music and laughter to the patio outside, by the pool house.

Kim's lounging in the tiniest bikini I've ever seen, composed solely of the tiniest triangles. Every inch of her amber skin is on display, much to Rom's delight.Rhys is too smart to fall for her bullshit, though that doesn't stop him from gawking at the slender, almost bare body.

"What the fuck?"