‘Just assignment stuff with Matilda,’ I say, shoving the last piece of peanut butter covered crunchy goodness into my mouth. It’s the crunchy sort that does it for me. Fuck that smooth shit.

‘Well, tell her I said hi. I’d love to see her again soon. Maybe next time, she can come here?’ Mum’s eyes light up as she speaks about the gorgeous woman wreaking havoc on my life right now.

I made plans with Matilda this morning to work on our assignment after school, which I am more than happy to do, considering what transpired yesterday. I hadn’t planned for any of that to happen, but the moment she jumped in my car, her scent engulfing me, I couldn’t control my urges any longer.

All I wanted to do all day today was kiss her again. She’s like my personal hit of dopamine. The more I have her, the more I want her, the taste of her always in my mind.

She wanted me, wanted to take whatever this is to the next level, but I rejected her. It’s not that I don’t want her, it’s just that I don’t want to take advantage of her. Any other woman, maybe, but Matilda isn’t like anyone I’ve ever met. She deserves more than a fuck in the backseat of my car.

Dad’s attention snaps up at the mention of Matilda. ‘Matilda from next door?’

‘What of it?’

‘Wren.’ His tone is a warning. For what, I’m unsure of. He could never take me on in a fight, at least not these days. Maybe when I was younger, but not now.

‘Why are you even here?’ I slam my hands onto the table as I shove out of my chair, sending it flying across the room.

Dad throws the paper down. ‘Don’t you fucking start with me boy,’ he says as he pushes himself to stand. The large vein in his forehead throbs, his face red as he stares me down.

‘What are you going to do about it?’ I say as I walk over and throw my plate into the sink. It smashes when it hits the stainless bowl, but it’s the look on my mum’s face that has me apologising. ‘Sorry, Mum.’

She sighs, dragging her frail body up from the chair. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll sort it.’ She moves towards the sink, but Dad puts an arm out in front of her.

‘No Debra, Wren will clean it. Now.’ He glares at me, not once looking at Mum, who is now trying to sooth the situation.

‘Wren,’ Mum says, trying to smile, ‘just clean that up sweetheart, and take it out to the bin, would you?’

My jaw clicks as I grind my teeth, staring down my dad, but I nod so Mum knows I’ve acknowledged what she’s asked me to do.

What if I just knock him on his arse, right now? Show him he can’t throw his weight around here anymore. Instead, I pull the broken pieces of ceramic out of the sink and throw them in the bin.

‘Wren? Answer your mother.’ Dad steps forward, his chest pushed out like he’s fucking King Kong.

I yank the black bag out of the bin and tie the top. ‘Happy?’ I say to my dad as I shove past him.

His mouth tightens, his eyes the only body part moving in my direction. I have the urge to give him the finger, but with my mum standing there, looking as though she’s about to cry, I take my anger out on the front door, slamming it behind me.

I swing the plastic bag over my shoulder and head for the side of the house. After dumping the bag into the outdoor bin, I smash it against the wall a few times, hoping my dad will hear it. What I wouldn’t give to unleash my anger on him right now.

Instead, I pace my front lawn, pulling at my hair. I need an outlet. Something. Anything. Fighting and fucking usually work well, which has me glancing up at Matilda’s bedroom window.

I rake my hands down my face. No. I can’t use her like that. I mean I want to fuck her. Wait, no, fucking isn’t the right word when I think of what I want to do with Matilda. I want to cherish every inch of her toned body, taste the saltiness of her skin, the sweetness of her mouth. God, I want her, but I don’t want to push her to do something she isn’t ready for.

Jesus, I’m losing it. Fucking losing it.



* * *

Wren stares at the floor, his feet planted on the ground as he swings from side to side on my desk chair. He hasn’t said much since he arrived half an hour ago, but he’s here, so that’s progress.

‘Everything okay?’

‘Fine.’ He keeps his gaze on the floor, his bottom lip pinched between two fingers. I’m hoping when he finally looks at me, his eyes will give me something, but right now they’re blank, devoid of any emotion.

Two steps forward, one step back.