‘Need anything,Til?’ he says, rubbing the back of his neck while his emotions pour from his eyes.
I take his hand and give it a squeeze. ‘He’s going to be okay, Em. And no, I need nothing other than Wren to wake up.’
Emerson wipes his nose on the back of his hand then shoves his hands into his pockets, easing out a breath. He kisses my forehead. ‘We’ll come back later.’
‘Thanks,’ I say and watch as Emerson heads for the door, rubbing Will’s shoulder as he passes him.
Will stands at the end of the bed, staring at Wren. He doesn’t make a move, just watches until he speaks. ‘You know when my dad threatened to kill me and my brother, Wren let us live with him for two weeks. Deb made sure we were clothed and fed and loved. If it wasn’t for them, I might not be here today. I’ve,’ he swallows and clears his throat, ‘thought about… things, you know? Bad things.’ He blinks back tears, his eyes remaining glassy. ‘He’s the one I call in the middle of the night when I can’t think straight, when I’m ready to kill my piece-of-shit father. He’s always there to listen. I owe him now, Til. And when I owe someone, it hurts me if I can’t pay them back. That’s how I know he’ll be fine. One day he’ll need me just as I need him, and that’s when I’ll give back everything he’s given me.’ Will’s eyes finally meet mine, the dark blue reflecting the halogen lights above him.
Wiping at my cheeks, I nod. ‘I think he’s saved us all in some way, just by being him.’
Will takes a moment to let my words sink in, then he nods, a tight smile on his lips, and exits the room.
When I’m alone, I snuggle into Wren again, careful not to disturb any of the tubes keeping him sedated. ‘Come back to me, baby. I don’t want to do life without you.’ A few tears slip down my nose and onto Wren’s arm.
The doctor said we won’t know more until he wakes up, so until those eyes open and find mine again, I’m not going anywhere.
* * *
The incessant beeping sound makes me want to scream. Who the fuck is playing video games while I’m trying to sleep?
When I attempt to sit up, pain shoots through my head, bringing with it the memories from my last fight. One moment I was walking to my corner, the next nothing. Just a dark void.
I recognise that voice. It’s the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard. My eyes are blurry at first, but I can make out the dark blond hair and brown eyes as her face hovers above mine.
‘I thought I lost you,’ she says as she smothers my face in kisses, and salty tears.
‘Baby, what’s wrong?’ I say, reaching up to stroke her cheek, which is when I notice the tubes coming out of a vein in my arm.
That explains the beeping sound. And Matilda’s tears. I remember nothing after the first round. That fucker knocked me out good. And sent me to hospital by the looks of it.
As my vision clears, I’m able to focus more on Matilda’s face. Her hair is a mess, and those dark circles under her eyes tell me she hasn’t slept properly in a while. But she smiles at me, a full grin. My heart leaps into my throat, my body tingling at her nearness. God, I’ve missed her.
‘Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?’ I say, trying to smile, but my lips are dry and cracked. And I’m fucking starving.
‘Jordan is getting a nurse,’ she says, cupping my cheek. ‘How are you feeling?’
‘Hungry. And horny.’
Matilda shakes her head and rolls her eyes. ‘Of course you are.’
I attempt to sit up again, which makes my brain pound against my skull, so Matilda helps me by putting some pillows behind my back.
Jordan walks in with a nurse and a doctor. The nurse checks my vitals as the doctor scans his eyes over my chart.
He nods. ‘Looks good. As long as everything else is clear, you’ll be free to go home in a couple of days. But no more fighting. This could have gone a lot worse.’
‘Thanks, doc,’ I say.
He nods, and exits the room.