Lucky for me, they love me just as much as I love them, so when I find them seated at the timber table as if nothing happened yesterday, a massive grin spreads over my face, filling my cheeks. When I place my bag down, Clive pouts at me and opens his arms.

‘Hi, sweetie. Are we feeling better today?’

I hug him, savouring his floral scent. ‘I’m fine.’

Audrey throws a grape at me. ‘Are you still mad at us?’

‘Maybe.’ With a wink, I throw the grape back at her.

She moves her head to catch it in her mouth, but it smacks her in the eye instead, making her cry out in exaggerated pain.

When we’ve all settled, Clive nudges me. ‘We’re sorry for yesterday, but—’

I point at him. ‘Don’t say it. God help me, do not say it.’

He holds his hands up, then pretends to zip his lips, before looking over each one of his fingernails. ‘Fine. Well, if we aren’t talking about Tilly’s love life, I’d like to announce that mine just got a lot hotter.’ He fans his face in dramatic fashion.

Audrey squeals as she leans across the table and rests her chin in her hands. ‘Goodie. I want all the details.’

She looks like a doll with her dark hair and ivory skin, her full lips painted on. I can’t help the twinge of jealousy I feel she was blessed with bright blue eyes, while mine are just plain old brown. I also have freckles, while her skin is flawless.

And how she stays so optimistic in the love department is beyond my capabilities. I don’t have the heart to tell her that love will only break hers in two. She’ll cry on the floor of the shower when she thinks her eight-year-old can’t see her. At least she’ll think she’s hiding it, when in reality, it’s on show for everyone to see.

I blink away the moisture pooling in my eyes with a shake of my head, my attention turning again to Clive.

‘Well, he’s gorgeous. He’s at university studying some medical degree, which is super sexy, I know. I’ve already picked out our kids’ names,’ he says.

‘Of course you have,’ I say, a grin on my face. ‘How did you meet him?’

‘At a party. You know, the one I went to with Shawna and Maddie?’

‘How could we forget?’ Audrey says with a roll of her eyes.

Clive waves his hand. ‘Please, bitches. I invited the both of you. You both said no.’

‘It was at a brothel, Clive,’ I say.

‘Well, it was wild. You two missed out.’

‘I bet.’ I take a grape from Audrey’s pile and pop it into my mouth. The skin splits between my teeth and the sweet juice coats my tongue before I chew the flesh and swallow it down.

‘I’ll bring him next weekend,’ Clive says.

‘What’s next weekend?’ I say, tilting my head, my mouth full of grapes.

Audrey focuses on me before she slaps my hand away when I reach over the table to take another one. ‘Don’t tell me you forgot?’

‘Ouch, bitch. And, obviously,’ I say, rubbing my hand.

Clive’s face pales before he blinks rapidly at me. ‘Matilda Rose Maxwell. It’s only the lead-up party to the biggest party of the year.’

My brain kicks into gear as I recall the stupid grade twelve ritual. Someone nominates themselves to host two parties, one at the start of the last school term, which then has to be topped with an end-of-year celebration that makes the first party look like amateur hour.

Whoever thought it up is an idiot, but my two best friends are going, so it makes sense for me to tag along. Although, I probably shouldn’t. I’ve been preparing for this upcoming race since I could walk, so I can’t risk doing anything that may ruin my chances. But with these two,shouldn’tandnoaren’t in their vocabulary.

This year’s parties are to be held at Danny Wright’s house. His parents are rich arseholes who leave their kid at home by himself more often than not. Whatever you need, Danny’s your guy. He’s annoying, but he throws some kick-arse parties, so most people tolerate him just for an invitation.

‘Right. Thatparty,’ I say. ‘My bad.’